I used the list of colors listed under Rogue Studios. If you use the search feature I'm sure you could find the whole thread again, but here is the list of helmet colors I used:
Helmet (Empire version)
* Panzer Olive Green (Cheeks and dome) F505113
* Boxcar Red (mandibles) F414281
* UP Armor Yellow (Verticle stripes) F414170
* MILW Road Orange (Verticle stripes) F414152
* SP Lark Dark Gray 'unsure' (Gray around scratches) F414182
* Rust (various locations) F414323
* Chrome (scratches) I think this was actually a color called bright silver but this works best.
* Euro Dark green 'Unsure' back of helmet. 4729 (Model Master)
* Panzer dark yellow (Rangefinder ear) if you do not have aluminum ears you will need to mix a silver with this to tone it down. F505111
* RLM Green (Left ear) 'unsure' F505056
* PRR Green (Inside cheeks) this is practically black. F414164
* Rock Island Maroon (Red scratches on left ear). F414248
* Light Gray (on left ear) any light gray will do. F505061
All paints were either Poly Scale or Floquil colors. They were really easy to use - if you are using an airbrush, you just thin them with water, rather than paint thinner. It made cleanup easy. They also brushed on well when needed.
Go to the Testors paint website and just key in the numbers listed above and it will pull up the correct colors.
The original thread also listed paint colors for the armor, shoulders, knees, gauntlets, etc. If you can't find it, PM me. I think I copied and pasted it into a document somewhere. I just can't find it right now.
I also found liquid latex to be my best freind on this project. You can paint your whole helmet chrome and then once dried, you can paint on the latex and let it dry so that you get the layered effect where the paint is supposed top be worn away. It looks more realistic that way. I hope the info helps you as much as it helped me!