New Zam Site!

Zam I Am

Well-Known Hunter
Hi guys and gals,

I have been spending much time upgrading my site and moving things over from one site hosting location to another. Wow, two years of stalling and bugging some people by being a slacker (Tylerdurden, Maulmaus, TK1536, ryan j.) whew! until finally my hubby forced me to remake the site. :eek: I am surprised I got a good portion of it done in these past two months. Please feel free to comment here on what you like/dislike. Or, what you would like to see. I don't have blog comments installed on my site yet. So, not sure if I will be able to host or fix that anytime soon. Anyhow, I will be working on various sections from time to time. So please let me know here what you think. Happy :zam'in and visit ~
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Like I said before ... (Besides reminding you what a slacker you are! :lol: ) - Love the new site ZIA!!! You've done a great job with it! Juste Awesome! :D
Thanks MM, I am glad I have one fan. I see the counter go up, but not many comments here... There are just a couple of things working on the Ref and tutorials section, the Neoprene and the Ref materials pages. Other than those two, I will probably have big spans of time between updates. Doh! I forgot the book, Myth Making of Attack of the Clones. Title sp?
Just looked over those new sections... whew!!! Hard to believe how much work you've put into getting the neoprene! :thumbsup:

Question: Is there any way you can link those pictures to larger versions?
All of them??? :o

Guess I have my resolution too high... that and I'm blind ... and I like big pictures... :D I'll go back this weekend and look and see which ones I really wanted to see specifically and PM you with that. Thanks!
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