New RoTJ Jet Pack from Man of War Studios "Pictures"

Man of War Studios

Well-Known Hunter
New RoTJ Jetpack from Man of War Studios "Pictures"

Hello all..

I'm sorry I couldn't get those photos up of the Pre-production gauntlets a few weeks server was down and the photos are no more :facepalm

In it's place though I'm posting some photos of a new RoTJ jet pack..I just finished making a costume for an overseas collector and thought you might enjoy them ..

:jet pack

Manof War Studios
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Very nasty finishing work! Love it! Are the beacon and stabilizer your own build or sourced or from another kit? Resin or aluminum? Haven't seen too many good beacons or stabilizers, but those have caught my eye!
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Thanks guys...yes, everyhting is made from my own personal molds and masters, no other materials but my own. ;)

Man of War Studios
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Are you sure that's your own work??

Looks more like you secretly went into the Lucasfilm Archives,
molded an original Jet Pack, and duplicated the paintjob :)

Nice work!

:jet pack
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That is very nice it actualy looks more like a metal pack, and the paint job looks identical to the jet pack in the skiff scene minus the big gash.
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By the way, how much does it weight?
and how much would such a pack cost?
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The Jet Pack is made entirely of gel-coated fiberglass...reinforced hollow's feather light and very comfortable...I only make these jet packs for full costumes because of the time and patience is needed to produce the over all look...If I did sell one seperatley though, I couldn't let one go for anything less than $500.00 becuase of the amount of work involved...Hope this helps.

:jet pack

Man of War Studios
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hey buddy, you did a great job on it - you get to command any price for your piece of art !!
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I know how difficult that paint job could be. I would like to know how you did it, but that's another thread !
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best i have seen by far!:thumbsup:
As an oversea's collector myself, i'd be interested in knowing what your pricing is for a complete get up?... ROTJ style :love (PM me if your willing to give that info)

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