New helmet on its way to me!!!!


Active Hunter
Seekers not the only lucky boy with this beaut! :cheers

It wasn't easy but i will soon have this baby in my hands:love
And then to prep and paint!!
I will show it off in all its glory when it arrives and with tutorial.
Stay tuned!!!!!!
We need to come up with a name for this bucket.
Hows RDJ-"Real Deal Jango"??
Or just TUF-"the Ultimate Fett"??
I like TUF - the Ultimate Fett:thumbsup:
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ooooooohhhhhhhhhh aaaahhhhhhhhhhhh

Brilliant. I'd love to snatch one of those down the road if/when i start a jango.
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This is great!!! But im gonna be honestly, im really not able to see the diference beetween this baby and a BKBT if they aren't together!
Well i assure you it is a TUF (what i call it). Except mine came from the mold before it was released to FP. I'm tryin to be descreet here.
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