Nemrod Holster


Active Hunter
So, i am currently working on my ESB fett and i am looking for the side arm holster and wondered if anyone knew of a 3d print file for one or if they have one for sale. Had a quick look online but nothing has come up. I know Daz from Bobamaker produces them but they are a little out of my price range at the minute.

After selling my ROTJ fett back in 2011 i finally started the ESB back in lockdown and would love to get it all finished up.

I thought Wasted Fett still made some but yeah Boba Maker is the only one currently showing availability.
Bobamaker, as you said, makes a nice version of it. Before I was able to pick up one of his, I made mine out of two sheets of rubber and a few chicago screws. It's a pretty simple design so if you're feeling creative you could do that as a placeholder.
So, i am currently working on my ESB fett and i am looking for the side arm holster and wondered if anyone knew of a 3d print file for one or if they have one for sale. Had a quick look online but nothing has come up. I know Daz from Bobamaker produces them but they are a little out of my price range at the minute.

After selling my ROTJ fett back in 2011 i finally started the ESB back in lockdown and would love to get it all finished up.

I finished mine a little while ago I used the files from this link:
I can't find a pick of mine right now sorry but it came out looking pretty good :)
I found a photo of mine unweathered
Blaster & Holster.jpg
Blaster Unweathered.jpeg

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