Need ROTJ reference pics


Well-Known Hunter
I am using Brak's Buddy MoM reference pics for my ROTJ paintjob. These are great pics, and awesome detail. The problem is, I don't see any good shots of the right back side of the bucket. Does anyone have any reference pics of that section?
This may be a stupid question but why is everyones jet pack match the MOM pack exactly exept the green color on the MOM is blue on everyone elses?
Here's a pic of the right back of a RotJ version I painted for a fellow board member a while back. You might also want to check out FettPride's website. He's got great pics of both the ESB and RotJ versions he has painted. Superclear and insane with detail!

Grant's Pics 089.jpg
evan4218 said:
This may be a stupid question but why is everyones jet pack match the MOM pack exactly exept the green color on the MOM is blue on everyone elses?

i know i painted my JP based on the photo in the visual dictionary, which is a dark blue.

i was thinking that too when i looked at that photo.
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