Need Holster Patters....


Hello all,
I am new to here but am finishing my custom Mandalorian costume. I need to find a pattern for the Jango Fett holsters. I have 2 of the Jango blasters without the holsters. Can anyone tell me where i can find a pattern to make them or just buy the holsters only. Thanks.....
Depends on which blasters you have, MR's vs. Rubies. PM Cruzer and check if he has any left. He did a small run and made some great Jango holster sets.
His holsters work for the Master Replicas.
i have the cheaper Rubies as i am spending most of my money i have for the armor and bucket. Also as this is my first time doing a mandalorian costume i am spending less money and working on the skills to do a good job. Then the bigger money will come out later if this turns out as i want. Thanks for any help so far and any other help i can get. I will post pics as i get it together....
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it's been my experience to try and get the good stuff the first time. I also started with the Rubies and made leather holsters for them, but this place is like crack once you get hooked. I'm now about $1700 into my Jango and almost done. I used to have a Don Post Boba I converted to Jango, and had every intention of using it, untill I saw all the wonderful suits here on the forum. I had to have one, an accurate one. 6 months later, I'm still working on it.

I figure I can buy the right stuff once the first time, or end up paying more to replace the first stuff I'm no longer using. Just my 2 cents.
Jango newbie said:
it's been my experience to try and get the good stuff the first time.

I figure I can buy the right stuff once the first time, or end up paying more to replace the first stuff I'm no longer using. Just my 2 cents.

That is the same advice I have gotten from several experienced Fetts. (Bobba and Jango) It may seem expensive up front, but it saves a ton of time and money up front. No rebuying and reworking parts who knows how many times. Very sound advice.
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