need boba helmet painting tips


Well-Known Hunter
Can anyone help me with a way to paint the yellow "kill marks" on the side of boba's helmet? I haven't really had problems with anything else but this is really holding me up. PLMK. and before anyone says it, i've already tried the search engine.


jawafive wrote:

... and before anyone says it, i've already tried the search engine.

Then try again! :D

I think that's probably how most people have done theirs. I know I personally will be going that route instead of the stickers that get mentioned from time to time.

Depending what version of the helmet you're doing too, you have to keep in mind the colour considerations.

ESB starts with yellow stripes at the front and VERY SUBTLY fades to a bit of an orange at the back. Whereas the ROTJ helmet (you dont' want to do that helmet anyway if you have any taste :)) has solid orangey/red stripes.

Hope that helps,

Ego wrote:

Whereas the ROTJ helmet (you dont' want to do that helmet anyway if you have any taste :)) has solid orangey/red stripes.

ROTJ also has MORE kill stripes because he's hard as wire :lol: so obviously the better choice :D

Good call Ego, yeah stay clear of that ROTJ bunch ;)

I hand paint mine on. Just use tape to line up the bottom and top of the row and paint them in vertically with an eye towards their size. I use acrylics so I can scrape them off it they're too big or misshapen. It also allows me to scrape them when I weather the helmet :)

I painted mine similarly. I used tape across the top and bottom then cut thinner strips of tape to do the striping. Then I brush paint several layers of acrylic paint. Let this dry a little and peel off the tape. When down I lightly rubbed my finger over the stripes nicking away the hard edge and making it look worn. The you can scrape off any areas that need it and apply a clear coat to seal it all.
Here's a picture of how mine turned out
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