Boba Fett

Active Hunter
Well here is my work so far. Wish that I wasn't 6'6" and look so odd in the suit but oh well. This is my ESB suit minus the gauntlets, girth belt, and JP. Still need the ankle ties though. Anyways please rip it to shreads with your constructive criticisms, they are much appreciated.
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Looks great! You got the weathering on the armor nailed. Flighsuit gets a :thumbsup: as this is the one area folks get scared they are doing "too much".

Oh and ESB rocks!!

Steve :thumbsup:
I love the color of your jumpsuit. I want that look exactly for my ESB.

If you mind me asking, who made your jumpsuit?


The flightsuit is from BM, and the flak vest is from our late friend FettPropArtist. I weathered the crap out of the flightsuit, I figured that if a bounty hunter wasn't dirty then he hasn't been hunting hard enough.
Dude that orb is freakin weird, there is no orb in that room! Oh and this evening I trooped for the first time in my nearly finished Fett at Best Buy for the release of the Star Wars "Originals". It was a lot of fun, I think I was the most popular character there, all the Best Buy employees kept wanting to see my blaster. They were impressed that it was a real scope that I was using. Oh and we are going to be in the paper either tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.
Looking good! :thumbsup:

Later on though, you may want to consider upgrading to larger size armor. You are such a big guy your current amor looks a little small.
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