My FP armor, Painted and assembled


Just as the title said this is my FP armor painted and assembled. The helmet is an MS and the vest is from TK-409's site. The cape which is not visible is from Christo Fett. (thanks dude!) All was painted by me, and sorry, I know the quality of these photos is on the poor side!






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Looking very nice Frank. Keep up the great work and progress pics. Use a better camera next time though ;) . I want to see your stuff better.
Thanks a lot everybody for the kind words, they really mean a lot!!!! Chris, I need to get a digital camera, the only one I have is my webcam, and we all know how terrible those things are! Everything costs an arm and a leg though!!! Thanks again everybody!!!

FrankFett said:
Thanks a lot everybody for the kind words, they really mean a lot!!!! Chris, I need to get a digital camera, the only one I have is my webcam, and we all know how terrible those things are! Everything costs an arm and a leg though!!! Thanks again everybody!!!


I'd rather see you spending your hard earned money on Fett instead of a digital camera anyway. It's really great to see your progress. Are we going to see a Frank Fett logo on the chest? ;) or are you keeping it strictly accurate?
Christo Fett said:
I'd rather see you spending your hard earned money on Fett instead of a digital camera anyway. It's really great to see your progress. Are we going to see a Frank Fett logo on the chest? ;) or are you keeping it strictly accurate?

Hmmmmmmmmm, now that is an idea....... it would be so small that you would have to look for it anyway......this is something I will have to think about, because it's a very cool idea!!!! :D :D :D

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