My first Fett armor :)


Active Hunter
My first Fett armor :) (updated 4/27/06)

This is very much a work in progress, as I've just begun. Fetthunter came over yesterday, and he helped me start on my first set of Fett armor. It's made of 3mm sintra. I'm doing a Holiday Special Boba Fett :wacko hence the straight edge down the center of the chest pieces.

(Since this photo was taken, I've drawn the template for the LED readout on the left chest piece).

Here is the crotch piece. I did the heat molding myself. It's nowhere close to being perfect, but it's a start since this is my first set of armor. I'm happy with it.

My backplate will be modded into the prepro backplate (without those "prongs" on it). Those lower bits felt a little too low on me (and I've never worn Fett armor!), so the prepro will be perfect for me.

Hope you like!
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Wow David looks like you and Jamie were busy. This is going to be such a cool suit, I dont think I can remember anyone else doin an accurate Holiday Special Fett
I finished the backplate today. I raised the arch on the bottom edge by about and inch and a half, and I completely reshaped the sides. The top part was also reshaped a bit, and the whole thing was contoured to fit my shoulders.

Ok.. a bit OT but are you single?

'Cus i don't know of any woman who would allow a guy to, in their eyes, "hack away at plastic" over a rug where all the dust and small splinters can get cought.

Or you guys must have one heck of a strong vacumcleaner...;)
Yeah our vacuum cleaner rawks :P

Another update. I finished the collar armor and I fitted it to the backplate.


Here you can see where I accidentally scorched the sintra on the collar bit.

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Dave if this is anything like your Clone Marine project it's going to be real nice. I look forward to seeing the progress shots.
Jango_Fett_Jr said:
Hah! I can't wait to see this one!
Any idea what you'll be doing for a helmet to get that distinctive cartoon look?

Well since I'm going for a realistic HS Fett kind of look, I'm going to use a basic Boba Fett helmet. For some scenes in the Holiday Special cartoon, the cheek ridges are a darker blue than the rest of the helmet, so that's what I'm planning on doing. However, I'm starting to sculpt, so after a few test sculpts, I may try to sculpt the HS helmet. But that will be way down the road.

Dave if this is anything like your Clone Marine project it's going to be real nice. I look forward to seeing the progress shots.

Thanks! I should be getting my GM armor soon, so you KNOW you'll be seing that all over the net. I've been giddy about finishing up that project for months. I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE! ARG! Haha.
Here's an update on this. I'm sort of doing a hybrid Holiday Special Boba Fett. I'm building it like anyone would build a Boba Fett costume, but I'm incorporating *most* of the details (or lack thereof) of the HS Fett into the suit. So it's not like I'm doing a cartoon ARC Trooper like you see occassionally, I'm doing the HS Fett as if THAT were the version used in the movies.



(The silver shows up really dark on this photo, but it looks chrome IRL.)

That is really really good armour. Could you tell me how you reshaped the back plate? I am making mine out of 5mm thick plastic and i am pondering how to mould it?
That is too cool. I've always wanted to do a HS Fett, but constant upgrade to my ESB have kept me from trying. Really great to see someone finally doing this!!! I can't wait to see how it turns out;)
Great looking armor so far. I'm really interested to see how your HS Fett turns out. :cheers

When you get it finished you will have to lobby for a new helmet smiley. This is the closest it could get for you. ---->
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