my fiberglass gauntlets done-old pics taken down-


Active Hunter
Update 4:

Ok since i got the day off of school today i decided to make my gauntlets. I learned a very valuable lesson about fiberglass:It hurts! Anyways, i pulled them from the molds and the molds crumbled. It really sucks because the casting came out with alot of imperfections like lines from the vaseline and many air bubbles. But hey they'll do for now. I tried to sand them but it took forever and it didnt really smooth anything out, i dont have any extra time to sand, and i want the costume done by halloween. So i decided, what the heck, they are gonna be massively weathered anyways so i just painted them up. All i gotta do now is get a silver paint pen or model paint and weather the crap out of them. So without further ado i give you my first attempt at making something from fiberglass, my gauntlets:




Update 3:
Molds are done bwahahaha. I'm excited, can ya tell?
Ok they arent as clean as i wanted them to be but hey i'm happy. I did loose my clay mockups tho, but it is a good thing that my molds came out on the first try. They are still a bit dirty(little bits of clay stuck to it with the vaseline)I will clean them tomorrow. Here is a few pics:

Looks like i've got some sanding to do as well. Well that is all for now. Tell me what you think.

Update 2:
Aight, i got my sculpting done on both gauntlets! The stupid flamethrower box warped tho. blast. O well if i have to i can make one out of sintra or something. I will also be makeing the bottom half out of sintra. This weekend i will hopefully make the mold and buy the fiberglass. Speaking of which does anyone know if i NEED the fiberglass mat or can i do without it?
here are some pics:

Update 1:
Ok, i have my rough gauntlets sculpted, they are not accurate by any means but i like em. Doesnt matter if they are accurate anyways, i'm a custom and i dont plan on selling them.
Anyways. I'm gonna let the clay cure overnight(yeah i know, shoulda gotten clay that doesnt harden).

I've got a few pics, here ya go, tell me what you think.

Edit: pix fixed got em on secol's server. BTW secol, thanks for offering the aweome service man!

End edit

Ok I have decided i am tired of my crappy custom sintra gauntlets. So I have decided to sculpt some more bobaish gauntlets. I'm not going for accuracy but i am going for the general look of them. I will post progress pics of the sculpting process then the molding and casting process. That is IF i am able to work with the fiberglass. Cant wait to be finished. I am currently working on the left gauntlet. Not too detailed yet it is rough but it is coming along. I will post pics tomorrow.

"Access Denied (Usage Limit)"

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Gotta love Village Photos. :wacko
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Yeah i know i hate village photos and every time i'm about to use secol's image hosting, i get an error message. But i can get there when i dont need it. Blast my luck. I'll try again later.
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Looks great krillindb :thumbsup:
Can't wait to see them finished. Are you trying to make them look kind of like Boba's gauntlets or doing a complete custom gauntlet?
Anyways, great job.
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I am going with the basic boba/jango style and shape. But i will not be going for accuracy as you can see from my first pics.
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krillindb wrote:

...and every time i'm about to use secol's image hosting, i get an error message...

damn K
please tellme or sendme a pm with the error :) you know maybe i can correct some :)
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ok secol i will.

One question, Do i need the fiberglass mat? I know i need the resin and cloth but is the mat necessary?

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Yes, the fiberglass mat is important, it's what gives the resin strength. The resin alone is brittle, the mat is a reinforcement, without it, the resin would crack. Regular cloth is too fibrous, if you coated regular cloth with resin and needed to sand any of it, it would be a bunch of frayed little threads sticking out of the resin, the fiberglass mat is sand able, but you will need to wear a mask or wet sand the fiberglass mold to prevent from inhaling any dust. If you make a negative mold out of plaster and lay the fiberglass into it to make your gauntlets, it will be a lot easier, and the finish work can be done in a day or 2, if you decide to lay the fiberglass onto your mold and build it up that way, you will spend a week sanding, and building up sections of the fiberglass and sanding again.
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Sorry Nos i dont have any pictures at the moment. Reently replaced my HD and i lost the only pics i had. I'll get some more up soon though.
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