My BM lid build up progress


Active Hunter
Hi folks,

Heres my little thread on the build up progress of my BM lid ***thanks to Daz for a great helmet***

The first pics show some shots of the bucket prior to painting, taken as I got it out the box.....

The third pic shows a close up of the crack on the visor. I created this using a screwdriver and then re-primed it with a priming pen.

The next pic is the keyholes cut out.

And the final pic is of the first coat of chrome. For this I used Humbrol silver spray. It comes up really well.

Stay tuned for more updates!






Here are some more pics of the chromed helmet.....

The following two pics are of the masking of the scratches. For this I used Colourless Art Masking Fluid by Windsor and Newton. It can be applied with a paint brush, but make sure you have some warm soapy water near by to clean the brush with, otherwise it gunks up big time.

I also followed Spidey's recommendation to draw the scratches on first and of course, make the most of reference materials.

Stay tuned for more!



I've hit a slight stumbling block!

It appears that the masking tape I am using is the very sticky kind, which has meant some of the silver paint has "lifted" in some places. To counter this I have decided to mask entire areas with Copydex. I don't know whether this is available in the states but it is essentially a type of glue that is similar to the masking fluid.

I have painted this stuff over the large areas to be protected, and also used newspaper to cover some areas.

Any further lifting of the silver can be resprayed...I recommend getting some of the low-tack masking tape though!
dan, go down your local model shop and pick up some tamiya masking tape,

I used it on mine and it worked great.

Looking good so far
go for it!! looks good, sure you'll figure the lifting silver, otherwise touch it up with a brush afterwards
you can take masking tape and put it on your shirt or a towel and then pull it off. after a couple time it will lose quite a bit of it's sticky but still stick to a surface. letting it peel off easier without sticking too much. hope that helps some.
Ok guys heres the first coat of the dome and cheeks. I had a bit of a problem when the gas cannister ran out of juice for the airbrush!

I must acknowledge the input of FETTSTER for his advice on paints for this helmet.

This first coat is made up of a mix of Tamiya Olive Green (XF58) and Tamiya White (X2) with a a few drops of Tamiya Field blue (XF50) I mixed the olive green and white 50/50 and some blue drops. I then just ended up adding a bit more of each until I was happy with the colour. PLease excuss the quality of the pictures, the lighting does affect the colour.



Sorry folks, not been updating recently been back at work so its harder to find time to get any further....I should have some more updates shortly on the bucket and the gauntlet thread.

Sorry for lack of updates! Been quite buy back at work, plus I haven't been able to transfer the pics from my phone to the computer, but finally got it sorted......

THe first three show the red on the mandibles

THe next one show the helmet de-masked, I still have to do the upper cheeks

The final set shows the helmet with the upper cheeks done, and totally demasked. I now need to do the back, and then start with the topical colouring and weathering








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