My 95 DP - almost done

Bubba Fett

Well-Known Hunter
Thought I would upload a few new pics of the helmet I am working on for my 9 year old son. Just got the stalk installed. Still a little bit of work to do, but should finish it up tomorrow.

The weathering is almost too much on a smaller helmet like this. Follow the reference photos, but it looks too busy. Not sure if I can tone it down or if I should just brighten up the kill stripes. Sorry I could not get any close ups, our camera sucks, but I wil try again tomorrow.


Using a magnetic attachment for the right ear. I have had to alter it to fit the thicker stalk.


Can't wait to put what I have learned to work on my own helmet :)
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Looks good!! Except for the darker green you used I believe is more grey on the real helmet. Great job though, I'm sure you're son will love it!! Right now I've got myself busy building a child-sized jet pack for a customer...
Hi, the green is actually a bit darker in real life (stupid camera). I used the sage green, which is a little lighter I think though. I have not black washed it yet, so maybe that will help?

Yeah, the darker green I used should have been more grey (live and learn), I will fix that when I do my helmet.

Had a hell of a time getting the visor in. Tried epoxy putty, which did not work at all, it does not hold to the plastic on either the helmet or the visor. Ended up going with the (I think it was Cruzer's) approach of using double sided tape and then hotgluing the heck out of it. The double sided tape held it in place really well while I hot glued a section at a time.

Hey GCN, please be sure to post pics of the small to see it. Are using templates for that?
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Hey GCN, please be sure to post pics of the small to see it. Are using templates for that?
The jet pack is just made from the WOF templates, it was laser cut out of sintra, but the cut accuracy isn't 100% since it had to be scaled down. My normal jet pack templates are scaled for someone 6' tall, but they had to be scaled down to a child 4'5". Since I am building it for the guy himself, I can trim the areas as required. Right now I don't have a digital camera, but I can take some pics on my webcam when I get a chance. I'll post some laser :)
Thank for the feedback. :)

Yeah, the flare is hard to see with pic (now that I look again) because of the angle. It's making the perspective off. I actually flared it a lot, so much I actually had to bring it back in a little bit. :lol:

I put in some copper tubing that goes all the way around the inside base. heated the helmet flared it, bent it. Easier to see it at a different angle. I will try to get some more shots today, but there is no sun and this camera flash stinks.

Still, the top left looks too busy. Think I will try to dust is and tone down the black marks a little.
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