Well-Known Hunter
So, I know there are at least 2 different copies of the purple neoprene shirt, because the Visual Dictionary and the MoM pictures don't match each other in the way the arm seams are done in addition to the colors being different, which could have just been lighting. My question is...
Are there 2 different vests too? My leather expert seems to think there was a lighter colored one for low-light scenes (in the museum) and a darker one for the promo shots, the visual dictionary and lighter scenes. Anyone else agree/disagree? What do you all think? I see where she's coming from, because that would explain a lot of the discrepancies in color we've been seeing...
Thanks for your input!
Are there 2 different vests too? My leather expert seems to think there was a lighter colored one for low-light scenes (in the museum) and a darker one for the promo shots, the visual dictionary and lighter scenes. Anyone else agree/disagree? What do you all think? I see where she's coming from, because that would explain a lot of the discrepancies in color we've been seeing...
Thanks for your input!