MLC Fett body armors? **First FG pull pics!!** (8/18)


Active Hunter
Hey everyone!

Rex and a lot of other guys asked me sometime ago if I'll be adding some FG Fett armor to my existing FG chest armor set...and I wanna pass on the same question to all of you.

To be honest, I'm still contemplating if I'll go on with doing this project, as I'm sure most of you have Fett's armor already....but what do you guys think?
If ever, aside from my chest armors, I'll do the collar, backplate, both shoulders, cod & both knees.

My existing chest armor set was an experimental project & not really that hard to accomplish since it was "almost" flat in its design......but the rest of Fett's armor are more of a curved design and since most of us have different builts, I'm a bit hesitant on forging ahead.

I'm also thinking of how to integrate the collar armor to the backplate and the front Cod piece to the rear part....however, if any of you have any thoughts, ideas, comments and pics on the project at hand, I'll sure appreciate any help you can provide.

Thanks in advance!:)

I would be verrrry interested in some MLC knees! I'd also be interested in a back/collar combo. My RA stuff lines up funny! I know a great job could be done on the knee armor.
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hi Mardon

ill be intrested in the whole FG armour set as this is the hardest part of the costume im finding get hold of at the moment.



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I'm definitely interested!!!:D
If you're concerned about differing sizes, try to get a consensus on one (or maybe even two sizes) for them from the members who will be interested in getting a set and go from there.

Since I don't have any armor yet;) I would really appreciate getting one from you, considering the quality of work you do.

Looking forward to this project,

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Why not just make everything movie sized and accurate? What's the point in making various sizes?
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I would be very interested in all fg armour pieces, including shoulders, collar & back. since I already have a set of vac armour, I guess I would probably want pretty screen accurate stuff this time around. Judging from Mardons jet pack, helmet & blaster, I have no doubt that everything would look totally awesome. So, Yeah, Consider me very interested! :)
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I know I would be interested in this Mardon. Especially the collar/backlate system, cod and knees. I'm not talented enough to make molded pieces like that.

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Mardon, due to the fact that I've been badgering you about doing this since our very first PM's on the subject months ago, I guess you know how I feel, but I'll add my voice to the public sentiment that this ought to be your next project.

As far as sizing is concerned, thre was a comment about doing 2 sizes. I know this is not going to be feasible, as it will involve the expense of making up 2 sets of molds. The best bet, IMO, is to base it on a scaled up version of the Marmit you have. You simply can't please all the people all the time. Someone else above mentioned "Just go movie accurate". Initially I thought this was a little harsh, as the costume has to look right on the individual, but short of making bespoke molds for everyone who orders, it's going to be impossible to build it to fit everyone, so I find myself agreeing with this sentiment on an economic basis.

To summarise:

1) Yes, build the rest of the armour parts
2) Make it scaled up from Marmit/Screen accurate
3) Do it next week
4) Make my set first

OK, 3 & 4 are negotiable, but 1 & 2 are serious!

Looking forward to it! If I can be of any help, give me a shout.

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I agree totally. I've never heard of any other vendors making different sizes for different people. The time needed alone seems like it wouldn't be worth the trouble.

By the way, if you ever do knee armor, I suggest it be one molded piece, as opposed to the 3 pieces that are glued together. They always seem so fragile that way.
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Honestly, I had all my Fett costume stuff boxed up as I was anticipating new 1/6 scale vehicle projects coming from my clients who attended the recent conventions.....However, I found myself opening it up again infront of my mannequin to display what I have in relation to what other armors I still have to make.

Okay, I'll tackle it one at a time starting from the top and going down. After one piece done, I'll take a pic & show you guys what I had accomplished for you guys to critique.
I'll do everything in card & once all the pieces have been critiqued, then I'll have everything molded at the same time to speed up the process.

Speaking of "speed".....if any of you got clear pics of the pieces, I just wanna know the location of the 'battle damage' (dings & dents) of every piece so I could incorporate them on the molds.
I know they're on the CD-reference website, but due to my current schedule/projects....I cant stay on-line that long.

If Si or Rex would like to help me in this endeavor, then i would like to request for you guys to throw 'em your pics for them to collect & send my way.

Thanks again for your support! :)

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mlcallanta wrote:

...Speaking of "speed".....if any of you got clear pics of the pieces, I just wanna know the location of the 'battle damage' (dings & dents) of every piece so I could incorporate them on the molds.
I know they're on the CD-reference website, but due to my current schedule/projects....I cant stay on-line that long...

I wanted to jump on this. I noticed that lots of people has FP, MB, RA or GA armor around, which some of these doesn't have the dents and battle damage as the FP armor has, unless you adapt it for a Jango suit. BTW, FP armor is made of FG and has the dents already there and it's the best looking and accurate so far as of FG armor goes. I'll be posting the pics of FP's armor sometime this afternoon or tonight when I get back from work, to let you see the pics of what I'm talking about.

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Well, since I will receive my set of MLC chest armor along my jet pack I am very interested on having the rest of the armor (collar, shoulders, back and cod) I think it should be the same size as the movie armor.

I am specially interested in the collar, back and shoulders. :)

Please make these parts I want them badly. :)
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Which version of the dents and dings are you going to do? IMO it should be pre-pro, that opnion may be swayed because I am doing that costume, I am not sure.
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Predatormv wrote:

Which version of the dents and dings are you going to do? IMO it should be pre-pro, that opnion may be swayed because I am doing that costume, I am not sure.

I would suggest going with ROTJ as that's the one I'm doing :D PLUS, we've tons of the MOM pics already on disc. :)

Stay safe.

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if yourself and others get me the dims required to do the armour i can adjust my templates to make these more movie accurate and post you a paper copy.

This might help you when you start the project and will give you some time to finish other projects as it takes about a week to get to you in the post of failing that i could email you them as a pdf file.



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Hey all,

Mardon has sent me some development pics of the collar and back armour to post here. They look really good to me. I'll post them when I get the chance (at work at the moment).

Watch this space.

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Personally I need a new cod to replace my RA one: The thing is HUGE!!! :lol: I may be in for the collar/back armor too. ;)
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