Looking for good Jango backplate ref. pics!


Well-Known Hunter
Hey guys/gals, it's time to start thinking about the backplate build. I want to make it scaled to work with my BKBT armor (thanks slavefive).

I have a few pics, but I'll take any reference pics any one has of the original backplate. You can post them here and/or send high res. pics to my email addy Lorenzo_Cruz1@msn.com .

I have clear ref. pics of the sides,top, and jp harness holes .... the only thing I haven't confirmed is the center of the back, so I don't know if it should be raised quite a bit like a JD back, or more level with the rest of the back area.

Somebody once posted a really good pic of the backplate here, but I can't find it now.

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I dont think ive ever seen any ref pics other than what you said because the JP is always on. You could always go off the unleashed figure possibly?
How about this?


Back curve.JPG.jpg
It's from an old TDH post, I archive all the reference pic I can.
I think the post was titled 'Mystery Curve', hence the red line on the pic.

BTW, I have almost completed the BKBT knees you sold me!

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