Last minute Halloween project...


Well-Known Hunter
Wanted to share this last minute (days in reality) effort to try and have a complete costume in time for Halloween. After failing to win one of SEEKER's ammo belts the other day on ebay, I was forced to try my hand at making an ammo belt.

While I was at it I also made a pouch for my digital camara (thanks Turo for the idea). That's my daughter showing how it closes and getting it sticky because she had just dropped her sucker on the floor.

And I ended up not suit up for Halloween. Oh well, at least I'm now ready for Wonder Con.

The leather finish is more brown in color...but you know what a flash will do. And the weathering was intentionally made heavy to go with my version of Jango.






Very nice for a last minute belt. Too bad you didnt suit up, I realy like your current suit. Just curious, where did you get that DVD "dressing a galaxy"?

Thanks guys. And yep, she's got this daddy wrapped around her little fingers.

As for the book, I got it at the F.I.D.M. exhibit down in L.A. when it was in town last year. It has a couple of really good shots of the Jango suit in it.
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