krewkid82's ESB W.I.P./501st shenanigans(BH-42090)

What up fetts!! Comicpalooza 2024 was pretty awesome! I was supposed to be there the whole weekend but I got food poisoning on the 3rd day here's some pics from the con! This was my 52nd and 53rd troop in the same armor!!

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What up fetts!! Its been a while since my last troop but I did two troops back to back. The first was the Space Cowboys game once again and the 2nd troop was a small barns and noble meet and greet for one of my friends...check it out!

Space Cowboys Game

Barns and Noble troop

What's up fett's long time no see! I've been busy here lately and not able to troop but I do have some exciting news. Im closing a chapter in trooping my fett. My first costume I put together all of those years ago with the knowledge and skills of others is now going to be a display. I want to thank arkady, afettfullofdollars, woodman, delta13, Mike M, full metal fett, machine craft, and Mmcfett for helping me start my journey and helping me get approved through the 501st. It has been a amazing and fun experience.

The next chapter of my trooping starts real soon with fett 2.0. Spicyfett has been busy perfectly painting and weathering my minute fett armor and he's almost done!! Once he's completed it ill get a tally of screen accurate parts and suit it up for the first time.(There are a few pieces ill still be using while trooping until i replace them like shin tools, boots, ammo belt, and girth belt)See yall soon!
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What up fetts, its bitter sweet to start over but all of my previous kit has been sold and shipped away to other fetts. The accuracy bug has bit me and everyone knows a fett is never truly complete!

Starting over with Fett 2.0!!

Stand-in bucket: Animefan
Flightsuit: Clothears(need to re-weather)
Gloves: Clothears(need bleaching and tea stain)
Girth Belt: Woodman(dye accurate color)
Ammo Belt: Delta13(paint accurate color; make pouches alittle smaller; replacing with horrorshop at later date)
Jetpack Harness: Jimmy Byron(replacing with Big Dane harness with tri-glides)
Pulce 40: Unknown resin cast(Andy Meyers replica on the way)
Nemrod Holster: Unknown fiberglass cast(Boba Maker holster on the way)
EE3 Blaster: Field Marshall webley replica, blastor factory greeblies, wooden stock, leather strap, A.S.I. 4x20 scope, and Heiland 2 cell flash
Boots: Imperial boots; MCR toe spikes
Shin tool #4: 6"x1" metal pipe

*Found parts
*Shin tool #1: Patterson squeegee
*Shin tool #2: Patterson chemical mixer
*Shin tool #3: Patterson squeegee; 2 MCR brush stylus replicas
*U.S. divers buckle
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I did a thing! Nothing screams boba like crushed red velour!! Reminds me of a guitar case lol. I had some scrap wood and foam laying around so I made a rack to hang my arsenal and and a helmet/gauntlet box. Still need to add the red velour to the bottom of the box. Next im gonna line the jetpack side with foam and red velour then line the other side just because...gonna be sweet!!!
Well I've been doing this for 5 years now and my kit got banged up alittle bit...this time I want to take care the paint alittle better why not do it style hahaha
Got the helmet, Gauntlets, and jetpack areas wrapped in foam and red velour. Next i have to finnish the arsenal rack
Big updates! S-kyone chin strap is about to ship, boba maker's holster is on the way, handmade horrorshop white ammo belt has been purchased, and I ordered a little something extra! Engaged Cosplay in the UK offers a micom clone unit that looks promising so that will be fun trooping with. Im also still working with spicyfett to get the bulk of things done. All that's left is to get a big dane harness and dome metal things from Full Metal Fett. Exciting times!!!

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