What up fetts, its bitter sweet to start over but all of my previous kit has been sold and shipped away to other fetts. The accuracy bug has bit me and everyone knows a fett is never truly complete!
Starting over with Fett 2.0!!
Stand-in bucket: Animefan
Flightsuit: Clothears(need to re-weather)
Gloves: Clothears(need bleaching and tea stain)
Girth Belt: Woodman(dye accurate color)
Ammo Belt: Delta13(paint accurate color; make pouches alittle smaller; replacing with horrorshop at later date)
Jetpack Harness: Jimmy Byron(replacing with Big Dane harness with tri-glides)
Pulce 40: Unknown resin cast(Andy Meyers replica on the way)
Nemrod Holster: Unknown fiberglass cast(Boba Maker holster on the way)
EE3 Blaster: Field Marshall webley replica, blastor factory greeblies, wooden stock, leather strap, A.S.I. 4x20 scope, and Heiland 2 cell flash
Boots: Imperial boots; MCR toe spikes
Shin tool #4: 6"x1" metal pipe
*Found parts
*Shin tool #1: Patterson squeegee
*Shin tool #2: Patterson chemical mixer
*Shin tool #3: Patterson squeegee; 2 MCR brush stylus replicas
*U.S. divers buckle