Kid's Armor Progress (Pic intense)


Well-Known Hunter
Here are some photos of the Kid's armor ordered from Rimshot. It's all vac-formed and smaller size to fit kids. We've done a ROTJ Boba and a custom Mando. We still have some more to do, but what do you think?






Wow thats sweet dude. I wish I could of done that stuff when I was younger. Wasnt allowed near the power tools when i was younger. Now I do a hobby where I use them..............weird
Well, we gave MiniMandalorFett#1 a test run on his ROTJ Fett for C4. Still have a lot of work to do, but the chest armor is finished we just don't have a vest to put it on yet. And he has a functional leather ROTJ ammo belt, it's just at the leather shop right now, so he used his brother's for the pic.


Man, that is awesome! Will they be at C4? We should figure out a way to get a shot of a bunch of the kids in costume there....

Anyway, great work!
That's very impressive looking work so far. One question. Does he breath through his forehead? heehe.

It's never too early to learn safety, dust masks work better when covering the nose and mouth. I am glad to see he is wearing gloves and eye protection though.

Sorry I was an army medic for 8 years, I've just see too many safety related injuries. Short term and long term health are equally important to protect.

Man, that is awesome! Will they be at C4? We should figure out a way to get a shot of a bunch of the kids in costume there....

Anyway, great work!

Yes, the whole family will be at C4 for four days! We should have the kids dressed and ready to go at the same time fo teh TDH photo shoot, that would be cool. :thumbsup:

That's very impressive looking work so far. One question. Does he breath through his forehead? heehe.

It's never too early to learn safety, dust masks work better when covering the nose and mouth. I am glad to see he is wearing gloves and eye protection though.

Sorry I was an army medic for 8 years, I've just see too many safety related injuries. Short term and long term health are equally important to protect.


Staged pics always look more dangerous. :lol: The tools are turned off when taking pics. Added safety. BTW, he is part dolphin, is there a problem with that? :lol:

I guess we'll see what time the TDH photo ends up and the kids will have to be suited up too.

The gauntlets were bought from a member here at TDH, but I added a new whip cord housing and re-did some deatails.

Here's a preview of my other son's custom Mando:


your kids are the coolest kids by far!
AND you are the worlds greatest Dad! Next to Cruzer that is :lol: :lol:
Seriously great job! Can't wait to see 'em!!!:thumbsup:
Well, here they are. They need some adjustments and additions, but it turned out pretty good for C4. Thanks for the compliments, and I bet that belt does look familiar Tim. :lol:



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