Just finished my cape


Active Hunter
Hey fett fans I finally got some time and finished off my ROTJ
Fett cape I will post some picks when I get some. This is the first part of my costume I have ever worked on and I am now officially one step closer to Fett suit completion. One step at a time boy and girls, one step at a time.....For all the new Fetts out there who don't know were to begin building I would recommend the cape. It is quick (it only took me about 1 hour and 45 min) its easy and it gives you a sense of completion. Not to mention a little boost of confidence. When I finished, my brain says to me "hey that was fun lets build some more Fett stuff" :D

drvfett wrote:

When I finished, my brain says to me "hey that was fun lets build some more Fett stuff" :D

Thats exactly how I felt when I finished sewing my flak vest. And I'm not sure I could compete with the cape I bought from TK-409, its just amazing as is the neckseal Mrs. TK-409 made me.
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