I've done a few events without my jet pack because I'm in the final stages of painting it FINALLY. Don't feel bad about not wearnig your JP, most people won't realize you're not wearing it.
You will just look like "Beat Down Jango"... he looked really tired and worn out after receiving that nice jumping side kick from Obi, then Obi falling after him from the platform on Kamino (can you imagine the stress to the lumbar region of his spine, he probably had to go to his orthopedic doctor and get a script for whatever they use in that galaxy for pain), and then releasing Obi, and climbing back to lil' Boba.
Make a jet pack from styrofoam and paper mache like azeem 2000.
Good luck!
Badger said:
I won't be able to afford the jet pack for a while, so I wanted to know if I could justify wearing it out without one.
Link shoudl be around the middle of the page. Thanks go to LisaFett for EVERYTHING you should see there. Goodluck! I'm almost done scratch building my jet pack and it is looking really awsome, and it's not as hard as it looks, it's all just a lot of hotglue and spare time, it's not that pricey either! And its super light! Once again, goodluck!