Jango progress

Jango 5204

Active Hunter
Let me know what you all think. I have the holsters done, but can't put them on till I get the braided underbelt done. I don't want to attach the leg armor till I get the belts done to make sure everything fits together in the right proportions. Helmet is a flared Don Post rotocast Boba converted. Skygunbro suit & vest. Armor is sintra. No shoes yet. Size 12 are hard to come by. Jet Pack in a box ready to go stubby. (thanks Cruzer)

Your off to a geart start. Nice bucket!
Maybe darken your Jumpsuit with a little purple die...
IMO the armholes in the vest should have a more vertical line to them under the sholder, if that makes sence.
Good luck with it, Cheers JR
IMO the armholes in the vest should have a more vertical line to them under the sholder, if that makes sence.

It does. I tried making a few vests and just wanted to smash the sewing machine.
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