is this a correct part ? pic intence

i was helping my mother clean out her "stuff" and i came accross a old polaroid back from the she says late '60 to early '70 any way i was going to toss it but i got to lookin at it and i notice the eye piece and i think i found a dimond in the rough here look at the pics and tell me what im thinking


Polaroid SX-70

:facepalm Tons on Ebay

$25-$200+ range

not gonna drop that much cash for a smallpart like that! plus i rather scratch build it! great for archive purposes!

sorry to spoil it for the guys that want to hoard and sell

just my 2 c
It's the correct piece. There are jillions of them on EBAY and we found them last year but they are still pricey for just the eye piece, but if you are going for accuracy it is the real deal.

That'd be the part. Have fun getting it off, they sure didn't make it easy (there's no gentle way to do it).
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SCHWING! As soon as I saw that photo I ran into the spare bedroom and grabbed that exact camera! I just need a new clear piece (lost at Dragon*Con 06) and my rangefinder is all better!
SCHWING! As soon as I saw that photo I ran into the spare bedroom and grabbed that exact camera! I just need a new clear piece (lost at Dragon*Con 06) and my rangefinder is all better!

You mean to tell me that you've been sitting on this camera all this time, you're a Fett freak-head, and you've never noticed what you had? JFJR, what are we going to do with you?
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