I just finished my very first Mando *constuctive crit welcome*


Active Hunter
I just finished my very first Mando *constructive crit welcome*

First things first,I want to thank everybody on this board with out you guys this would not have happened. There has been nothing but great advise and major patients with me and other mando noobs out there. I especially want to thank Ronin677 with out you mate thisreally would not have happened this soon. So I would like to introduce every body to the newest mando. Please also keep in mind when I came home from my friends house I did not realize untill I started putting everything on that I forgot my diamond armor piece. I also have a cape I will be using I am just not quite finished with it yet..




:eek: Mate! Those blaster look like they would do some damage! Meaty as hell! If you out of ammo you could just batter your bounty with them:lol:

Looking good. Like I said before, I like the rivets on the helmet, functional and fashionable! I would try and reshape the helmet a little though.

Well done
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One thing I would recomend is to match your weathering. At the moment the only thing that looks weathered is the chest/collar armor which causes it to stand out. Also, if you do decide to go weathered (instead of just paint the chest/collar so it is not weathered), don't forget the vest, jumpsuit, and shoes.
I only really notice two key things. One being the helmet. It needs reshaped with a craft ring to widen it out.

Secondly...it's more of just a "pet peeve" of mine..I'm not a big fan of the "one dimensional" knee armors that are made of one flat piece of plastic. Don't get me wrong...I realize that costumes can cost a lot and there are certain budget limits...but I have always felt that the knees need to be more three dimensional like Boba and Jango's.

Other than that...weapon looks good. Vest and jumpsuit look good (apply some weathering..maybe light colored misting in areas?). The color scheme looks good.

Good work for a first timer! :D (This coming from someone who hasn't even FINISHED his yet. LOL)
the craft ring is that something I can get at Michels (or how ever you spell it?) and its actually called a craft ring??? I know I still have to weather the vest and suit but I was so excited to get the vest that was the last thing I needed....
I purchased mine at Joanns Fabric...but I would say that Michaels should have it. It is called a craft ring..but in case the salesperson doesn't know what you mean, just tell them you are looking for a round metal ring in different sizes. :D

Get one that fits around your head. The rubies helmets have almost a perfect lip around the bottom edge in the back to hold it in...but you will need glue (I used hot glue, the super strong stuff...not the basic clear hobby glue).

Cut the ring so it is big enough to go from one "earcap" to the other inside the helmet. Bend it, or make sure it's bent wider than the rim of the helmet. Then pop one end into the gap inside where the earcap is, then carefully pop it into the other side. Slap some glue on it and viola!

That'll widen that baby out to the right shape.

Here's a pic of the ring inside mine:

Hope that helps.
Very noice bro, I'de actually like to know what you made your cod peice out of, and what templates you used, as I need to make a decent cod peice soon.

Also, how'd you attach those kneepads? they look really good.
Very noice bro, I'de actually like to know what you made your cod peice out of, and what templates you used, as I need to make a decent cod peice soon.

Also, how'd you attach those kneepads? they look really good.
the armor I actually picked up from a friend but he got it from somebody on ebay who sells it just do a search for mando armor or even jedi armor.
here is the link to his ebay store I am not sure if I can post this, if not just let me know
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Wow. that is one hell of a suit mate. For a first attempt that is great, i really like the whole concept (real bounty hunter material).

the vest looks kinda familiar :lol:

anyways just glad to have helped. I have recieved loads of help from this forum and this was just my way of keeping the good stuff going.
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thanks Ronin you are the man the only thing I am trying to do if figure out what I should use for a belt the two I have right now are ok but kinda flimsy and move around alot???
but if you dont have the skills to make them they might be worth it to somebody but like I said I did not pay for any of my armor mine was given to me...
The over all impression is good :)

But I do think it could use some weathering (in addition to the already discussed helmet-shape :p).
Especially on that huge rifle of yours! :thumbsup: I guess I'm a little fanatic about weathering guns though... I've even weathered my softairguns. But I really believe that some black "smudge" around the edges of the silverish metal could look really good! Perhaps some acrylic washes or something...
love it!
it looks great all together. I agree that you need to weather the soft parts.. but other than that..:thumbsup::thumbsup:

btw: I'm crazy about the gun you have in pics #2 and #4.
did you make it?
a buddy of mine made it all it is, is a general grevious blaster, if you want directions on how he did it just PM me and I will give you directions...
Well you asked for criticism you got it. Color scheme... DMN that's cool. Undersuit very awesome. Your boots,and belts rock. your helmet could stand a little more in depth weathering on the lighter spots and the knees They are the hardest I think because they are the last inpression lesft on the legs for detail. Great knees sometimes make or break a look but your suit looks like you are seriously out for gra'tua.
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