i case my moulding go's wrong


Well-Known Hunter
Some of you may have seen my other thread on moulding my scratch built bucket but i thought it might be wise to have a back up in case it all go's pear shaped.

So.....look what arrived in the post today :D its a bit rough but i am sure by the end of the month it will look b1oody awsome :)

i think i will paint it in layers rather than topically.

Great, now I want some Coffee cake. pretty nice helmet, looks like it could use an overhaul though its kinda fuzzy around the visor.
Great, now I want some Coffee cake. pretty nice helmet, looks like it could use an overhaul though its kinda fuzzy around the visor.

its lemon cake (sorry WAS lemon cake :lol: ).

yer the helmet is very rough around the edges and needs some TLC. But hey, its me :lol:

will keep you all posted
Horrors upon horrors. Whilst grinding out the rough fibreglass on my new bucket last night, my drill decided it would have a fight with me. It ended up (whilst on automatic spin) bouncing around inside the bucket before flying out and hitting me, before falling to the floor and the elec flex wrapping around the chuck and burning the motor out. After realising i still had an arm i then checked the bucket and almost cried :cry

i have repaired it now and it is stronger than before, but still...........

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Yikes! That doesn't sound good. I hope you didn't get hurt mate.

Fill it sand it and it will be good as new

Only a few scuffs on my arm, i think my pride was hurt more :lol: thanks for asking though mate

I plan to sand the resin down once i get home from work today and then carry on with filling all the tiny imperfections as planned. The damage seemed to be ok this morning and seems relatively strong (possibly stronger than the original fibreglass shell). Hopefully by the end of the weekend i will have the bucket primed and the visor fitted. Not sure whether to paint it before i fit the visor or not :confused
Glad you weren't too badly hurt, but yeah I am sure your pride will hurt for a few days!

You can always reinforce the inside with a layer of FG too.

As for the visor, its totally optional if you want to install it now or later. If you do it now you will have an extra area to mask during painting. I tend to install the visor last.

Good luck mate
Well abou to start the painting. Except i have just got a virus that has given me vertigo (should last about 3 weeks the doc thinks). So the progress on this might be a bit slow over the next month as i am having trouble standing still (and up right). I'd hate to think what the paint job would look like if i attempted it at the mo :lol:

Anyways it is primed and sanded, and i have even 'scratched' the repair onto it.




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