How much is too much?

Lord Maul

<font color="red"> How much is too much to pay for an unpainted jet pack? A maker I know whom you guys have said has good jet packs is offering me the oppurtunity to build it with him and help him do it. So I was just curious as to what a fair price would be?
I have seen pretty decent rough jet pack kits that require lots of work go for $275. But if you can get one assembled, trimmed, and primed for under 400-500 range I'd grab it, Yes Jet Packs are not cheap.

I am going to try and build my own because I just cannot afford that, since I have been ripped off of a jet pack once already.
How does this one look?...


cal196 wrote:

I have seen pretty decent rough jet pack kits that require lots of work go for $275. But if you can get one assembled, trimmed, and primed for under 400-500 range I'd grab it, Yes Jet Packs are not cheap.

I am going to try and build my own because I just cannot afford that, since I have been ripped off of a jet pack once already.
Aside from that? It is my first JP...sniff, sniff. and it is all white! Just the way Ralphy liked!

Where can I get piano keys (besides cutting a zillion little pieces of Sintra)?

Predatormv wrote:

MLC's great fiberglass jet pack is less then 400. I love mine.

I just put one on order about 2 weeks ago for $340 and im going crazy waiting for it.

And I got ,,,,,,,You are Agent Smith, from "The Matrix." No one would ever want to run into you in a dark alley. Cold as steel, tough as a rock, things are your way or the highway.

sounds about the way I am.
Liked the quiz.
Yea that jet pack is the Bomb, the wait is worth it. Once you get it in your hands and you can pick it up with one finger you will laugh like a little girl. My friend has one of those propcollections pack and it weights a bloody ton!
<font color="red"> I was just asking since I might be able to get mine at cost if I help the guy make it! Sound like a good deal to you guys?

BigaboyFett wrote:

How does this one look?...


cal196 wrote:

I have seen pretty decent rough jet pack kits that require lots of work go for $275. But if you can get one assembled, trimmed, and primed for under 400-500 range I'd grab it, Yes Jet Packs are not cheap.

I am going to try and build my own because I just cannot afford that, since I have been ripped off of a jet pack once already.

Is that the one from UK? look nice. Still waiting on those gauntlets btw its been 3 months.
You need to give me a call. Also, be sure to e-mail the guys to see what is up. We will be in touch.


cal196 wrote:

BigaboyFett wrote:

How does this one look?...


cal196 wrote:

I have seen pretty decent rough jet pack kits that require lots of work go for $275. But if you can get one assembled, trimmed, and primed for under 400-500 range I'd grab it, Yes Jet Packs are not cheap.

I am going to try and build my own because I just cannot afford that, since I have been ripped off of a jet pack once already.

Is that the one from UK? look nice. Still waiting on those gauntlets btw its been 3 months.
<font color="red"> I believe it will be made out of fiberglass! And it should be fun to learn how to make one! I might be able to start next week! I'll let you guys know how it goes!

gorman wrote:

I wish I had the money to get one! I should have held off rather than grab the one I did... curses...

Thats why I have went out and looked,researched and found every thing I wanted. I'm not holding back on the cash Ive spent,,,oooooo around 1500, still ain't done yet. But thanks to ebay all the money Ive bought Fett stuff with came from stuff I sold. Might want to try it people buy all kinds of stuff.
I bought mine about 9 months ago. I got it off of Ebay, it was an unfinished kit. The pack neede alot of work. I did not know this at the time. So I bought it. The total price was 325 with shipping. When I got it, the rocket was an oval shape. So it took me about a month to find a round rocket. The rocket was around 75. So after the extra rocket, paint, sand paper and two dremmel tool and other extras. In the end it probably cost me around 675 to 700.

Here is a link to a pick

The pic is shot from a distance so it is hard to see the details.
I just got one off ebay.. paid $155 for a fixer up pack..$50 rocket.. and $40 shipping.. yea ok its $245 and that may not be a good price I dont know.. but I had the funds at the time.. and figured I would fix it up.. it was missing the rockets but he said he would make sure I got a set.. real nice guy.. I believe he was Sharkattack..
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