***Helmet mods!***


Active Hunter
Hey guys!

I'm fixing up my '95 DP right now and I'm planning to do a few things:


1st, the helmet was in storage for a while to the back is a tiny bit smooshed, and the default visor seems a little curved (is it always a little curved?), which doesn't matter that much since I'll be replacing it with another one..maybe that Huntsman one??! How should I unwarp it, since I have no heatgun? Also, Could anyone please tell me what the distance between the mandibles should be?

Also, I saw Webchief's bucket, and I really like his colour scheme and his LED's! Since I can't get in tough with him, does anyone know what paints he used? I also don't know if I should clear coat it?

Here is WebChief's nice work:

And does anyone know how to run a cable (for the LED's) down the shaft of the rangefinder? And did anyone add some LED's into the rangefinder (in the screen) like Webchief? He added some green ones I think.

Also, I'm looking for ideas on lining the helmet with a hardhat liner. So anyone who's done that, please lemme know what you did, and how!! ;)

Could anyone who put a voice amp in their bucket please let me know what and how they did it as well?

Well, I guess that's all for now! :)
Sorry for all the questions...but I wanna make the bucket as good as possible! :D

Oh yeah, I'm also making my own servo rangefinder control. Does anyone know where I could get a little motor that will do what I want? (not hyperdyne, because I'm making my own circuitry...and they cost alot there anyways!) :)

Here you can see some of the "bending" in the visor and how the helmet is a little warped in the back:


Hiya Bobo,

1st, the helmet was in storage for a while to the back is a tiny bit smooshed, and the default visor seems a little curved (is it always a little curved?), which doesn't matter that much since I'll be replacing it with another one..maybe that Huntsman one??! How should I unwarp it, since I have no heatgun? Also, Could anyone please tell me what the distance between the mandibles should be?

Your pics didn't show up, but, do you mean the VISOR is curved, or the mandibles? Because the visor, you're going to want to get rid of that on a stock DP bucket anyway and put something else in, probably rear mounted.

As for unwarping . . summer's here. Inside your car on a hot day will do the trick pretty good.

Also, I saw Webchief's bucket, and I really like his colour scheme and his LED's! Since I can't get in tough with him, does anyone know what paints he used?


I also don't know if I should clear coat it?


And does anyone know how to run a cable (for the LED's) down the shaft of the rangefinder? And did anyone add some LED's into the rangefinder (in the screen) like Webchief? He added some green ones I think.


Also, I'm looking for ideas on lining the helmet with a hardhat liner. So anyone who's done that, please lemme know what you did, and how!! ;)


Could anyone who put a voice amp in their bucket please let me know what and how they did it as well?


The search engine is your friend Bobo . . . all sorts of good information out there!


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Hey thats awesome! Thanks man!
I'm an idiot for not realizing that myself :p

Ah well.

Any other input would be greatly appreciated also guys! :)
No worries.

The visor, well, the visor on the real helmet actually has some curve in it too, believe it or not. Not quite that much, but, still has some curve.

Don't have any ref photos on hand to show you.

But, if you want your helmet done right, you're going to have to cut that visor out of the helmet anyway, so you can replace it with a full one.

I think I remember seeing ESB helmet pics and the visor was just a little curved, but in ROTJ, I think it was straight. I may be wrong though, got to check out the ref cd again. :D
I believe that the ESB visor was cut out from a welding shield, which is green by the way, and it's kinda curved but just a little...about the ROTJ visor...gotta check the ref. CD as well...:o

hope this pics help ya
this is my DP95 recast :D

<img src=>
<img src=>
well on the voice amp, I just snagged one from radio shack, the one that they are discontinuing for about 16.00, it fits fine in my helmet, and the amp goes in one of my side pouches, the amp part is bigger than I thought though, I was hoping to maybe take it apart and maybe try to make a smaller casing for the speaker, but as for now its all right...
heres my bucket! ignore the "sqinty look"

<A HREF="http://photos.yahoo.com/bc/latchkeymemoirs/vwp?.dir=/BH+Trials&.dnm=side1.jpg&.src=ph&.done=http%3a//photos.yahoo.com/bc/latchkeymemoirs/vwp%3f.dir=/BH%2bTrials%26.dnm=large.jpg%26.src=ph" TARGET="_blank">
My Bucket</A>
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