has anyone got a SKYGUNBRO helmet??


Active Hunter
hi guys

anyone got a skygunbros helmet and any pics that they can post
or any comments?



uk-scout TB7290
It's not a bad fiberglass helmet for the money.
I HAD one. Pics are at: http://photos.yahoo.com/roberteidemiller
I sold it because it was a little small on me, Big head :facepalm
It might fit you better.
Let me know if you have anymore questions about it. would be happy to answer.
Robert E.
I have delt with him on a few occasions and have had two of his helmets.
I am very happy with mine and would only upgrade to a MSH if I wanted to in the future.
For the price I paid, I am very pleased with the quality of the helmet.
Here are pics of my Skygunbro's helmet:




He performed the initial paintjob on it also and I repainted and weathered certain areas to just suit my personal tastes.

Let me know if you have any more questions also, I will be glad to help. :D
B.fett I sent him those pics that you sent me awhile ago with the jango i did for you side by side with your reg.95/96 post helmet hope you dont mind.-Jason

skygunbro wrote:

B.fett I sent him those pics that you sent me awhile ago with the jango i did for you side by side with your reg.95/96 post helmet hope you dont mind.-Jason

Naa Jason, I dont mind at all! :D
Those were the very pics I was looking for! Thanks.
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