Glasses under Bucket


New Hunter
Hi. I was wonder if it's possible to wear glasses under the bucket...I wear glasses, and cannot see well enough to walk around without them, so I'd kind of have to...Thoughts/comments? Thanks
I wear glasses myself, and I will say it can hurt you in the end, becuase sometimes your visor may fogg up, but then soon after, your glasses will. I would suggest wearing contacts if you can, but if not, just be careful not to crush your glasses while puting the helmet on.

I wear glasses, and I can fit a DP sized helmet on my head. I put the bucket on "face first" so the glasses won't get stuck by the cheeks.
I wear glasses, but I'm only required to wear them when I fly. I can't get them to fit under my BM helmet or BKBT helmet. It's the size of your head that ends up being a large factor.
I had an older pair of glasses I didn't use anymore, took the arms (is that what they're called?) off and just hot glued the sides onto the visor inside the bucket (A Rubies Jango, comparable to a DP), and I've been fine ever since! Before that it did hurt to bucket-up. If you put your bucket on with your glasses and it kinda hurts, try contacts or maybe look for an old pair and an adhesive? Because it will hurt after 2 hours. Goodluck!
SCBA spectacle kit or do like askywalker98 and mount some old ones inside the helmet. The frames shoudn't be much more than $30, and polycarbonate lenses are cheap.

This is a SCBA spectacle kit incase you haven't seen one:

It's the frame in the middle that can be worn by using an elastic band or can be mounted inside of masks and helmets by using different means. I've worked as an Optician as well as a Firefighter/Paramedic which is why I know this stuff, LOL.
Interesting stuff...I might just have to try lenses look like this:


Will I be able to get the SCBA kit in that prescription?

I also wear glasses under my helmet. I made the faceplate removable by attaching it with magnets.

Another solution may be to mount the eyeglass lenses to the helmet visor, and eliminate the ear pieces. When you put on the helmet, the lenses are already in place.
Interesting stuff...I might just have to try lenses look like this:


Will I be able to get the SCBA kit in that prescription?


If they can be mounted in a frame they can be mounted in the SCBA one as it it just a hard plastic frame. The thickness doesn't matter if you plan on having them mounted inside the helmet permanantly. Especially since they won't be seen.
You can switch to polycarb or high index plastic if you like for weight savings but I would recommend it just because those materials are also less likely to fog up vs regular glass. Although regular glass has better optics. Choices, choices.
I wear eye glasses and really don't think it would be much of a problem under the bucket unless you have LARG glasses. Also installing a fan would help out on the fog issue. There is also a glass/plastic cleaner that you can get to clean your glasses, and paintball maskes to keep them from fogging up that works fairly well. The combination of all these things would help greatly.
I wear glasses, and have a fairly large nose. Or so Im told :). Could'nt you just go to an eyedoctor and get a lense that has your perscription in it?
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