Gauntlet padding???


Active Hunter
Greetings Fetts,

I'm seeking any and all info on padding for the inside of my ESB gauntlets? I have very thin forearms and my gauntlets are just too loose. I tried duck taping white foam to the inside top and bottom, but it looks a bit messy. Someone mentioned weather stripping with an adhesive back to it, but I'm not familiar with it. My left gauntlet is rather left side heavy due to the flamethrower. Anyone have a good balance solution to that problem as well? Any help on this would be most appreciated. Thanks! :D

John Barrows, Jr.
This may sound silly,
I bought A pack of 6 sponges for $2.00
The good news is they will be damp when you put them in.Overnight they dry and become hard.
Yeah, I went to the local hardware store and found weather stripping, thick, black padding material. It didn't come with a sticky side for some reason, so I used my glue gun. It worked well. :D

John Barrows, Jr.
I snagged some small egg crate foam today at work. It seems to be about the right size. This was actually stuck inside a box for pading (FREEBIE).

I've never heard of Evostick. What is it?

Forced Trekker wrote:

I snagged some small egg crate foam today at work. It seems to be about the right size. This was actually stuck inside a box for pading (FREEBIE).

I've never heard of Evostick. What is it?

Evostick is a contact adhesive. Might be a British thing though.
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