Gauntlet Missile

Is impressive. I believe that you have used the measurements of the original one of Boba, don't you?
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ok dudes,
I'll close the list tomorrow but I'm ready to start to take your payments!
My paypal address is :

For the shipping cost I chose the insured version...(only 2,5 euro in +)

How to read the list:
Name - where - version - material - total with shipping
1. CaptJono - Australia - jango -metal- 75+12.0=87 Paid

2. WelderTim1208- Canada - jango - Plastic/bronze - 70+11.5=81.5 Paid

3. zanenigma - (USA) - boba - metal- 75+11.5=86.5 Paid

4. Cruzer California- (USA) - jango - plastic - 65+11.5=76.5 Paid

5. BKBT - Canada - jango- plastic - 65+11.5=76.5 Paid

6. deadbolt - (USA) - boba - metal- 75+11.5=86.5 Paid

7. hapajedi - (USA) - boba- metal - 75+11.5=86.5 Paid

8. HMPOTC33 - (USA) - boba - metal - 75+11.5=86.5 Paid

9. Matrix - Canada - boba - metal - 75+11.5=86.5 Paid

10. vaovet - (USA) - jango - metal - 75+15=155

list closed

I remeber you all prices are in euro and I accept only EURO.
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