Gauntlet help

I think I'm about ready to start constructing my Ruffkintoy gauntlets, but I had a few questions, and where better to ask for help than here, eh? I saw in mandalore697's thread that he drilled holes in the resin components, epoxied bolts, drilled corresponding holes in the gauntlet shells, and then secured the resin parts with nuts. This seems like a good way to do things, but I was wondering, how did you guys attach the smaller resin pieces, namely the keypad and dental expander? Also, what kind of adhesive works well attaching resin to resin? Before I get started, I want to make sure I know how everything will go together.
Another quick question, from the photos I've been able to find, it looks like I need one length of hose plus fittings for the right gauntlet, two toggle switches/whatever they are, also for the right gauntlet, and an LED for the left gauntlet. I'm making the ESB gauntlets, by the way. Are there any other bits and pieces I need to get ahold of?
Darts for the right gaunt. Wires and plate for the flamethrower on the left gaunt. Yup, one hose only, just on the right gaunt. ESB gauntlets are great, but the flamethrower can be a pain in the.....well, you know. Good luck.
CenteroftheMind said:
Another quick question, from the photos I've been able to find, it looks like I need one length of hose plus fittings for the right gauntlet, two toggle switches/whatever they are, also for the right gauntlet, and an LED for the left gauntlet. I'm making the ESB gauntlets, by the way. Are there any other bits and pieces I need to get ahold of?
To attach the host, I would get a Coaxial plug, (cable tv plug) and have it attached onto the gauntlet, and the hose can then slide on and off.
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