For Sale FS Misc parts (gauntlet shells, flak vest, EE3,etc)


After a lot of years of building various armor sets, and upgrading etc etc. I’ve accrued a small collection of leftover parts that are too cool to throw away but not cool enough to keep.

-Arkady flak vest (never worn or altered just an extra one I had in case I wanted to do something)-150$

-Boba Maker Gauntlet shells (it’s really just the shells, again for a project but I have other makers shells that fit my arms better) includes resin rocket

-Sidewinder EE3 w/ wooden stock, (I had intended to make an interchangeable RotJ and ESB barrel just for trooping. But then I just got another Sidewinder complete kit for my need)

For this stuff just make an offer, it just takes up space unused.

-Sidewinder ESB barrel/scope mounts/cheap Tasco scope/accurate Molex/old pipe I bought and drilled holes in. This was from my first ESB build almost 10 years ago.

- RotJ flamethrower shell painted like ESB (has one top switch… I dont know where the other is)

- painted resin rocket (screws are glued in)

- hand made neck seal (made out of cotton twill, has clasps)

-3D printed ESB EE3 greeblies

-1x“alco” style switch (it was printed in Japan.. neat)

-RotJ spats, dyed to ESB colors ( pretty easy to remove the color)

- pouches Arkady/MoW I can’t remember the difference there are 4 I used to practice weathering and find a good dye mixture.( Again pretty easy to un-dye if you want)

-Resin Jetpack collar, and stabilizer painted

-24” of 4 lane seatbelt strapping

If you want a better photo of something or have any questions just DM


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