FINALLY my (MSH) ESB helmet is DONE!!!! pics inside

DL44 Blaster

Well-Known Hunter
I would like to thank so many for all the help and reference and material provided for me to finish what has taken a year to paint and owning for about three years :

Rogue Studios
Braks Buddy
Marrow Sun
Steve The Swede

If there is anyone I have left out please accept my apologies. The list should include everyone here at TDH for it has been an encyclopedia for which I have used countless times and all of you have helped me so much,for that I say thank you also.

This is an original MSH I've owned since new so without further ado.........

my helmet29 (2).jpg

my helmet13 (2).jpg

my helmet14 (2).jpg

my helmet15 (2).jpg

my helmet16 (2).jpg

my helmet17 (2).jpg

my helmet18 (2).jpg

my helmet19 (2).jpg

my helmet20 (2).jpg

My helmet21 (2).JPG
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I'm Crying.....:cry :cry
This is the Perfection I've been longing for.
I think I will just throw my stuff away and start all over...
Beautiful...just Beautiful.

Let me just say , there are SO many Great Artist on this Board I'm SO glad to be apart of this. Truly.
Thanks for all the great comments guys:o It really has been a labor of love and now that it's over I feel like I can breathe again............... but I must admit that I will paint another one someday....I think half the fun is in building and finishing props.

DL44 Blaster said:
Thanks for all the great comments guys:o It really has been a labor of love and now that it's over I feel like I can breathe again............... but I must admit that I will paint another one someday....I think half the fun is in building and finishing props.


Isn't that weird steve ? After I finished mine, I said the same thing...WHERE'S THE NEXT ONE ?!?! It owns you for DAYS, then when you're finished you want to do another one. Go figure !
Lots of great helms coming out of this place in the last few days!

You guys are right. The second I finished mine, I wanted to get another one. I think I'm gonna do that after C3.
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