For Sale Final Jango Fett Black Friday Sale

boba trooper

Active Hunter
I am getting out of the Jango Fett Armour making business so this is all the last of what I have for sale and there will be no more after this, get it while you can at these special prices for the up coming Black Friday as this is the last of it.

Black Friday Sale

Having this last Sale of what items I have left in the Jango Fett inventory. Grab a bargain as you’re saving a fair bit on these.

1. Jango Fett armour, helmet and gauntlets set, full set of armour, finished set of gauntlets (includes a free upgrade set of the metal hose attachments and hoses), will also include switches, missile and darts, fully finished helmet with metal stalk and shade 5 visor. Usual price for this set is £1550 but this sale it’s down to £1250 saving £300. Does not include postage. SOLD

2. Jango Fett armour, helmet (dented version) and gauntlets set, full set of armour, finished set of gauntlets (includes a free upgrade set of the metal hose attachments and hoses), will also include switches, missile and darts, fully finished helmet with metal stalk and shade 5 visor. Usual price for this set is £1550 but this sale it’s down to £1250 saving £300. Does not include postage.

3. Jango Fett painted helmet, this one had a problem with the cold cast so it has been fully painted, will come with visor and metal rf stalk.
Price is down to £150 plus postage.

4. Final set of cold cast Jango Fett gauntlets, will come with darts, missile and all switches, will come fully finished and I will also include an upgraded set of hose attachments and hoses.
Price £300 plus postage.

5. Fiberglass docking bay 94 and 35 signs both fully painted with textured paint. Price is £65 per sign plus postage.

Thanks for looking and if interested I am willing to work out a payment plan if needed for any of the pricey items. Just give me a message.

Jango armour itself will not be polished, this will need to be done.


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