Fiberglass Helmet help


New Hunter
Hey everyone, long time lurker gleaning info as I've needed. First time posting my own topic really, but I paint buckets for my etsy shop. I do replicas and custom work as well. Usually rattle can, getting ready to step into the airbrush department shortly for a Stormtrooper I'm doing... but I am shortly to be receiving some super sexy fiberglass Mando buckets, and the only problem is that they don't have a dent.
Does anyone have some tips on how I might add a dent without compromising the integrity of the fiberglass? thank you!
Hey everyone, long time lurker gleaning info as I've needed. First time posting my own topic really, but I paint buckets for my etsy shop. I do replicas and custom work as well. Usually rattle can, getting ready to step into the airbrush department shortly for a Stormtrooper I'm doing... but I am shortly to be receiving some super sexy fiberglass Mando buckets, and the only problem is that they don't have a dent.
Does anyone have some tips on how I might add a dent without compromising the integrity of the fiberglass? thank you!
What's the name of your shop? And where did you get the helmets with no dent???

Sent from my SM-T230NU
What's the name of your shop? And where did you get the helmets with no dent???

Sent from my SM-T230NU

My shop is called Ad'ika Beroya (Little Bounties) and my buddy from Colorado, Darth Hair has the dentless domes. His shop is DHPFX. He's my main supplier for Bare parts.
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