Fett Guantlet Rocket

Hey Buddies,

This is my Fett guantlet missile, made in aluminium gold/black anodized. I had attached some pictures and work in progress....

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I have a machined aluminum lightsaber made by Stefano.
He does great work! That gaunt missile looks excellent.

Thank you Eric .... ;)

Thank you for your compliments Uri, Scott, Mike, Daz, Turo ... and all buddies !:o

I have only six rockets available. Every piece is color anodized and complete of screws to assembly on your right guantlet.
To age the missile you can brush the color anodized .... the work will be great !

The price of this baby is 110,00 Usd plus shipping.

If you interest I have available the four steel darts of the right Guantlet, too.
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