Fabric and storage....

Zam I Am

Well-Known Hunter
This topic will be deleted soon, but does anyone remember what I said about whether the suit material is cold hand washable? or dry clean only? I forgot, and can't find it in the myriad of all of my emails etc.
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I do not recall, but I do know that Wetsuit Neoprene can be washed as normal in a machine, but you need to hand dry it. I am not positive if the dyes will fade if doen in hot on the neoprene we will be useing.
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I asked the neoprene sales rep again, she said you should hand wash it in cold water. All of the vendors I have bought from have been begging me for pics. They have all been as excited as you all! :D She was wondering what you all thought about the neoprene, and I told her when you all first got a swatch, you were cradleing it like babies. (i know I was..)
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My swatch actually is still at the Compuetr side in view. God it is amazeing how long I hold on to things.
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Zam I Am wrote:

She was wondering what you all thought about the neoprene, and I told her when you all first got a swatch, you were cradleing it like babies. (i know I was..)

*shhh...* Baby is napping right now! ;)

Seriously... I love it! It's just perfect as we saw at D*C with ZIA's costume!
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Lycra Fabric cleaning and storage....

For the past months since I recieved my fabric, it's been stored in my parents basement.

Dad said I have to either take it home (I fear what my cats might do to it... box or no box :eek: ) or he'll store it up in the rafters of the garage. :eek: :eek: (at this point the cats don't sound so dangerous)

Could cold weather hurt the fabric? Dad thinks it'll be okay but I baby that neoprene.. ;)

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I treat my wetsuit pretty good when storeing it. Try not to place it in too hot an area as it is still a type of foam rubber and can eventually melt or break down from heat. As to cold storage it should not be a problem. I know wetsuits are ment for use in cold water, but this is not wetsuit neoprene we are getting so it may be a little different. Well that is the best I can tell ya about.
I agree with rags~ Cold storage is way better than hot storage. Same reason why you don't want to machine wash it hot or warm... It's better to NOT stick it in a hot dryer...although I had to for one of the outings our 501st did I was so scared the 3ply fabric would unglue.. But it's still ok--I landed putting it on the delicate setting but I was still verry :eek: but nothing happened.
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Lycra fabric -cleaning and storage....

Thanks for the info. :) Dad and I came to a compromise, the fabric gets to live in the basement until the family holiday party. Then it has to spend the night in the garage. I'll be sure to give it a blankie and a teddy so it doesn't get cold and lonely. ;) :lol:
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