ESB Shoulder Bells

  • Thread starter Thread starter Duh
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Does anyone have the exact color for the ESB armor shoulder bells. As I have researched this, I have found sunburst yellow (Rustoleum) which is WAY to bright). I have also read UP Armor yellow (this color if used too much has a brownish tone). Any suggestions?

Take a look at the Helmet paint thread, the original colors were discovered by Rouge Studios. The original paint used on the Fett suit was made by Floquil, which was a model rail road paint. The shoulder bell paint should be one of those.
Yes I read the thread recently and it is suggesting reefer yellow. Does anyone happen to have a picture of their shoulder bells with this color being used.


Duh wrote:

Yes I read the thread recently and it is suggesting reefer yellow. Does anyone happen to have a picture of their shoulder bells with this color being used.


Yup, Reefer yellow is the way to go followed with the UP armor yellow mistings as directed in the thread..
Here are my ROTJ bells with this color....



Hey Lynn,
What are those SCARY looking little creatures rummaging through the cabinet behind your Fett display?
TERRIFYING!!!!!! ;) :p

Robert E.
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