ESB Shoulder Bell colors

  • Thread starter Thread starter QuartZ
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Well crap, after looking at all the ref pics of Fetts shoulder bells in ESB (all of them that show both at the same time anyway), it's pretty safe to say that his RIGHT shoulder bell is darker and more orange than his left one which is more yellow in color. The color of the RIGHT shoulder bell seems to match the knee armor, but the left shoulder bell is definately a different color. It's not just the light angle or shadows, check all the pics from ESB in the reference CD.

Anyone want to confirm this, or has it been brought up already?

Yep, ESB shoulders are different colors. One matches the knees while the other is closer to the primer yellow under the armor. This has been the consensus for a while among a few of us. It is also an overlooked item on some ESB fett costumes I've seen.
:) Hehe, well I bought 6 colors of paint yesterday to do my shoulder bells and knees, I'll be mixing them all to get the right look, and I'll be making the 2 shoulders different colors to match the film.

Thanks for the confirmation.
One more reason to hold off on the paintjob on my shoulders.It's a good thing I got wind of these things before the paint was laid on,as I hadn't heard,or noticed about the shoulders' differences.

Yeap, I'll double vouch on the different colored shoulder bells. I thought they looked like they might be different colors, but I also thought maybe there was some lighting issues. However, Mark and I went through several photos (even on the Third Pre-Pro), and the shoulder bells are definitely different colors.
i think i read somewhere that the primer color was called zinc chromate....i picked up two wee bottles of the testors brand zinc chromate and the color looks spot on. and i thik that his left shoulder is the one primer colored.

Would you look at that.

Every time I think I've finally gotten my head around this costume something like this comes along and whacks me over the head unawares.

I never noticed the difference before; now I can't not notice it. Huh.

Any chance it's the same yellow and orange paints that are used for the side of the helmet?

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