Ebay Armor Worth It?


New Hunter
I found this armor set on ebay while looking for a cheap set that I could possibly use for this halloween... would this set be worth it?
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It Dosent look that great to me but the price is cheap. Then again there is always that saying "you get what you pay for" It should be fine for a jango fett.... and once painted you can always re-sell on ebay and get your money back;)
Hey Germ. It's strange - the armor has the butt plate but not the cod, so you would have to make that yourself. The diamond is also not finished. The armor needs all the battle damage added too.

Not to knock the seller. but I would just cut it and build it myself probably (or use the trashcan armor method). You will have to do that to make the cod anyway. I honestly don't think it would take that much more time to do it all. But that's just me maybe...
it looks like it's heated up and bent sintra, i.e. not formed. the price is cheap, but that same thing could be done easily enough at home.

it all depends on what you're going for. $35 isn't much in the grand scale of fetting, but if you're scratch building other parts, the armor there wouldn't be much more work.
Um, I could be wrong, but I dont think its ok to post ebay links that are not your stuff.
Hey, I was right! That NEVER happens! Just ask my wife.

Do not post or discuss live or pending auctions under any circumstances. Should you find an item coming up for bid that you think would be of interest to fellow members, save the images and related information until AFTER the auction has closed.Posting information and/or links to a live online auction (i.e. Ebay, Yahoo!, etc) is prohibited except when you are the seller in the auction. In this case you are advertising your auction to other potentially interested parties on at TDH.

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Um, I could be wrong, but I dont think its ok to post ebay links that are not your stuff.
Hey, I was right! That NEVER happens! Just ask my wife.

Do not post or discuss live or pending auctions under any circumstances. Should you find an item coming up for bid that you think would be of interest to fellow members, save the images and related information until AFTER the auction has closed.Posting information and/or links to a live online auction (i.e. Ebay, Yahoo!, etc) is prohibited except when you are the seller in the auction. In this case you are advertising your auction to other potentially interested parties on at TDH.

thanks for letting me know... but just out curiousity.. why? =/
I dont know, I think it's because my wife wants to be rigth all the time. Even when she is wrong, she sticks to her guns. Oh man, that is irritating. Oh wait, thats not what you wanted:p .

On the live auction thing, well, think of it like this... you see it, you want it, but you post the link, more people see it, and want it. Something that WAS in your price range could easily get out of control and you wont be able to get it. But I am sure that is one of many reasons.
On the live auction thing, well, think of it like this... you see it, you want it, but you post the link, more people see it, and want it. Something that WAS in your price range could easily get out of control and you wont be able to get it. But I am sure that is one of many reasons.

You also get people bumping up the price and other child like things. What you can do is post a picture and ask what everybody thinks.
haha, thats understandable i guess.. lucky for me im not too interested anymore =) I decided to make my entire Boba from cardboard (completely inspired by Honus). I just finished the armor and it looks much better than what i might have bought on ebay. So far, i've finished the helmet, armor, jumpsuit, girth belt, and few other odds and ends having spent only $15! :)

... now, if only i had the talent to make a jetback...
haha, thats understandable i guess.. lucky for me im not too interested anymore =) I decided to make my entire Boba from cardboard (completely inspired by Honus). I just finished the armor and it looks much better than what i might have bought on ebay. So far, i've finished the helmet, armor, jumpsuit, girth belt, and few other odds and ends having spent only $15! :)

... now, if only i had the talent to make a jetback...

How bout some pics mate?
no pics at the moment... unfortunately i didn't bring my camera with me to college. I might be able to get a friend to take some pics of my costume. =)
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