Dwedd\'s fiberglass armor - Pics fixed

judz dwedd

Well-Known Hunter
Dwedd's fiberglass armor - Pics fixed

I've gotten several requests for pics of the fiberglass Jango armor I run. I never really take pics of stuff before sending it off to new homes, until now. I recently finished a set of armor for a member here, and decided to snap a few digi-pics of it. Some of these pieces are being seen publicly, for the first time, since I JUST finished reworking them to be more accurate. :)

Here's an overall shot of it.

Here's just the upper armor.

Here's the lower. The cod has been recently reworked for better shape, and the thighs, for better compound curve.

Here's a closer shot of the cod.

A close-up of the shoulder, to show the compound curve and trim line.

All the pieces are raw pulls, straight from the molds. Trimming, and assembly will be done by the new owner.

Well then, for all that have asked for pics in the past, here ya go. Thanks for looking. :)
Pm if you'd like further details.

Edited to fix missing pics :)
That is some of the best fiberglass armor that I have ever seen. I can't wait to get my new knees and cod in the mail, I feel like a kid at Christmas ...
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Geez...if Seeker updates...I want first dibs on his old stuff! :D

JD....if only I has some of your talent....Awesome Armor!!
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Mister_Fett_1975 wrote:

That is some of the best fiberglass armor that I have ever seen. I can't wait to get my new knees and cod in the mail, I feel like a kid at Christmas ...

ME to I just got a cod from him, and if it loooks anything like that, oh boy ~rubs hands together~
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you people don't realize, the PROS in the industry go to Loren for fiberglassing tips and advice ! Damn fine work as always my friend !
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OOOOH mama!! :D

That looks SWEET!

Looks like an early X-mas for me ;)

Good job as always JD!!!
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Thanks everyone. :o

If anyone's interested in more info on these pieces, just drop me a pm. :)

As you might have guessed, this is going to MonCal. I just got some of the most awesome Zam shinguards and toeguards in trade for these pieces. Thanks MonCal ! :D
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You're absolutely welcome man!!!

I'm glad you're happy with them.


I can't wait to get the armor ;)
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Nice work, Dwedd. I want to save up and buy a set if you're doing that. I'll shoot you a pm. I already have your helmet; might as well be a Dwedd Jango. :D
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cal196 wrote:

Just got the cod piece, and its nice and thick, looks incredible.

I'd like to clarify something here. "thick" is diferent to different people. I run all my stuff in one layer of two oz. matt, behind a 25 - 30 mil layer of gelcoat. what that means is that the parts end up being aprox. 1/8" thick. They're thick enough to be strong, yet thin enough to be light. :)
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