Dragon Con

I thought I would bring this up again since we are just a little over two months away. Who is planning to make the trip to Dragon Con in Atlanta, GA?

Yup, my wife Lisa and I will be there...5th year in a row. Jodo and Zardra will make a return visit.
The wife and I will be there, for some reason I just have to keep going to this thing year after year... must be all the hot little mamas.
I currently plan on going ... possibly driving out again. But uhh, I don't think anyone else from Phoenix is up for a 1,900-mile drive.

I'm so going to be at DC (First time in 4 years! ) No, I'm not driving - are you insane? :lol: That's what airplanes are for... You should know that! ;)
I'm planning on being there... it will be my first D*C! Hopefully I'll have my Fett done in time. Also, just want to hang out and meet some of my fellow TDH'ers! (i guess that would be plural?) Whatever, just wanna meet some of the people here....

the wife and i will be there...it's just up the road for us! woo hoo!! not sure if my fett will be ready by then. work is taking up all my time. but i look forward to meeting some of the fellow TDH members. we should try to arrange a meeting time and place just to meet and greet. thanks, bert
I'm so going to be at DC (First time in 4 years! ) No, I'm not driving - are you insane? :lol: That's what airplanes are for... You should know that! ;)

yeah, but if you spend most of your day in a plane, i'd imagine you'd want a break from it on vacation :)

it's a 19 hour drive for me, but the flip side of that is no fuss over luggage at the airport. between boba, BSG and firefly stuff i'm bringing at least 6 guns. i'd hate to deal with that at the airport! especially since i'll probably bring my bronze / aluminum fett rifle, rather than the rubber one.
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