Don Post Deluxe

Mr BobaFett

New Hunter
Does anyone know how much money the don post deluxe helmets go for these days ? Need a bigger helmet, my 97, (and I suspect my w/i 95 too) are a little on the small side :facepalm

Thanks :thumbsup:

800 !! :eek: , looks like I'll have to save a bit more then, not that I have ever seen one come up for sale on ebay uk (must be a rarity here) .

I was fortunate enough to get the opportunity a couple of years ago to try one on (lovely fit, perfect size for my head), I've seen pictures of marrow sun's helmets and they do look very well made but they look a little big, plus I think that Marrow sun lives in the states or somewhere similar.

thanks for the help :thumbsup:

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Does anyone have the measurements for the deluxe ? as it looks like I'm going to have to try and make my own :lol: still it should be fun and somewhat of a learning experience (I hope :lol:)

Thanks in advance :thumbsup:

Sooo... what would the largest helmets be, and in what price range do they sit? I have a huge head, and a small wallet... But seriously, my DP 96 is a crazy tight fit with any sort of padding, and I don't have any fans or electronics in yet...
you must have all got realy big heads i have a DP95 and it big on me,lol
only kidding, like as said be for look in the cargo bay there are better buckets in there that im shore would fit you and much cheeper than a DP delux
or contact BM or M_S for a nice bucket... MLC also has 2 great buckets.I dont if FP will be making his for us again, but personally Id go with BM... as Im getting one in 2 or 3 weeks :p
The Don Post Deluxe definately seems a little smaller than the ones used in the Brilliant movies, but thats alright like many others the movie sized (is that the right expression) is a little too big.

I'm guessing that M-S is Marrow sun but dont know what MLC or BM relates to ?

I've got a DP Deluxe recast from one of our very own that I'd let go of. I've got $200 into it. It is a nicely done,thick,fiberglass casting with a 1/8" pre-cut visor and an aluminum rangefinder stalk.All the markings of the original are on it...bumps,scratches etc. Say $175 shipped??? The visor area has been cut out and the helmet has been primed...that's it. I can shoot pics if you're interested.


DL44 Blaster said:
I've got a DP Deluxe recast from one of our very own that I'd let go of. I've got $200 into it. It is a nicely done,thick,fiberglass casting with a 1/8" pre-cut visor and an aluminum rangefinder stalk.All the markings of the original are on it...bumps,scratches etc. Say $175 shipped??? The visor area has been cut out and the helmet has been primed...that's it. I can shoot pics if you're interested.



PM sent

So anyone have the measurements for the Deluxe ?

Hello there everybody.

Im really chuffed to have found this forum.

I collect starwars helmets and im now going to try to make myself a full boba fett outfit so this place is a god send.

I have never seen such a large quantity of quality work from you guys.

Anyway, does anyone know where i can get a decent lid?
I have a dp delux recast (or so i think it is) but i really want a ms or something similar.

If anyone knows, i would greatly apprieciate any help, cant find bloody anything here in england.

If anyone can tell me how to get pictures on this thing, ill post pics of my lid which i painted rotj style.
Fettster said:
If anyone knows, i would greatly apprieciate any help, cant find bloody anything here in england.

If anyone can tell me how to get pictures on this thing, ill post pics of my lid which i painted rotj style.

For pictures, when you're posting, scroll down a little and hit "go advanced", then when you type in your text, scroll down a bit more and hit "manage attachments." A seperate little window will open and then you can then browse your hard drive and select what pictures you want to upload.
Hope that helps!
Also, PM sent.
RoDav Llbas said:
you must have all got realy big heads i have a DP95 and it big on me,lol
only kidding, like as said be for look in the cargo bay there are better buckets in there that im shore would fit you and much cheeper than a DP delux

It's my nose, lol. Not my head. Me and Adrian Brody have the nose business cornered.
Reverend Scapegoat said:
I've heard great things about Bobamaker's helmets.
I have his knee and shoulder armour, and one of his visors, and the quality is astounding.

Thanks :thumbsup: Has he got any contact information ?

Thanks for the help :thumbsup:
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