Don Post '95 Standard vinyl Fett helm resurrection


Active Hunter
From a dry cracked and broken visor, half the helm actually breaking off, and many failed attempts in the early days, to make a better paint job...
The DP '95 Std Fett helm resurrection has begun! : )
I am not planning on "upping" this to anything else but what it was.
As best I can, a factory restore in all it's mid-90's costume-y glory.
But of course though, I will want to make it pretty as I can. so, here goes.....!
Starting the new visor construction
Showing the seams where the side of the helmet was glued back in place with a high strength styrene glue that melts the material together.
Nasty stuff...but works like a charm.
Rimmed the flat of the edges of the break, then after it dried a day or two, applied a line on the outside and inside of the break, for strength.
I don't want to purposefully test it, but it'll hold at least just for basic handling and display.
Hi jhfagan
Nice! I have me a '95 Don Post myself that, when I first set sail on my Boba Fett ROTJ journey, I was planning on using it as part of my costume. But quickly learned that a better bucket was needed. (y)

I got mine back in '95 (My girlfriend then, now my wife) got it for me for Christmas. It was still in great shape. I actually went so far as to dremel'ing out the existing T-Visor (if you can call it that - Haha!) with the intention of cutting out a template and putting in a tinted welders visor that I procured off of Amazon.
Don Post 1.jpg

Don Post 2.jpg

Don Post 3.jpg

Don Post 4.jpg

Don Post 5.jpg

After much research I now laugh at this Fett Helmet. I like how its Kill Stripes and Range Finder are of ESB and the use of the Silver (ROTJ) paint job for the Ear Pieces. Even though incorrect in that regard it is still a cool display piece and has graced my shelf for many years! I do plan on finishing it up with a new paint job and T-Visor, but as of right now that project is on the back burner. As I prepare my Boba Maker Armor and Arkady Flight Suit!

Good luck on your restoration! I look forward to seeing your end result!

Hi jhfagan
Nice! I have me a '95 Don Post myself that, when I first set sail on my Boba Fett ROTJ journey, I was planning on using it as part of my costume. But quickly learned that a better bucket was needed. (y)

I got mine back in '95 (My girlfriend then, now my wife) got it for me for Christmas. It was still in great shape. I actually went so far as to dremel'ing out the existing T-Visor (if you can call it that - Haha!) with the intention of cutting out a template and putting in a tinted welders visor that I procured off of Amazon.
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After much research I now laugh at this Fett Helmet. I like how its Kill Stripes and Range Finder are of ESB and the use of the Silver (ROTJ) paint job for the Ear Pieces. Even though incorrect in that regard it is still a cool display piece and has graced my shelf for many years! I do plan on finishing it up with a new paint job and T-Visor, but as of right now that project is on the back burner. As I prepare my Boba Maker Armor and Arkady Flight Suit!

Good luck on your restoration! I look forward to seeing your end result!

It is a piece of Fett history! I recently found my Rubies Boba (that I am actually trying to sell) and was jsut amazed at what "passed" back in the day.
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