Dallas needs to feel the LOVE!!!

Zam I Am

Well-Known Hunter
Ok, Dallas is gonna be at Dragon Con on Saturday... I wanna pic with all the Zammers out there with Dallas! hehe! He needs that bewildered, "What am I gonna do with all these Zam chicks look!!!"


Here's one for starters!!!
Well if I were going.... ;)

Oddly enough, I have a lay-over Friday night in Atlanta so I'm expecting to see some con-goers at the airport.

HothGirl wrote:

Oddly enough, I have a lay-over Friday night in Atlanta so I'm expecting to see some con-goers at the airport.

That's almost cruel...

Yep... if I were going too... but it is simply not to be this year! :(

SWC3... I'll be there for that one! :)

Dustin Crops Boy wrote:

awww shucks. :o

Katie - I'll just miss ya.. i get in early sat morning :facepalm

D'oh! I'll catch up with you again one of these days Dallas!

And trust me, I'm have tempted to 'miss' my flight and be 'stuck' in Atlanta... ;)
Awww Dallas you are a cutie! I luuuurve those boots too! They New Rocks? lol

I wish i was ever able to go to Dragon Con - it lookes like the most awesome Con ever
I came across Dallas in passing and say said, but I think he really did not recognise me. Now what is a shame is that there were plently of TDHers present, but no Costumed Zam's.
I gave Dallas the hug that I promised Yvonne I'd give him, and I made sure to tell him that it was from her, because it was a quick passing "oooh, look, there's Dallas!" kind of moment and we were moving in opposite directions... So, no picture. LOL!
Whew... DC was fun but kinda short when ya only stay for a day n' a half ;)

Next year I'll plan ahead and not do it last minute...

And now I got me a Zam model - so maybe I can make some progress!!!! (It's hard to make a costume w/o somoene to model it on).

Dustin Crops Boy wrote:

Whew... DC was fun but kinda short when ya only stay for a day n' a half ;)

Next year I'll plan ahead and not do it last minute...

And now I got me a Zam model - so maybe I can make some progress!!!! (It's hard to make a costume w/o somoene to model it on).

Who is yer Zam model??? Did wifey agree YET?
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