Dak's custom mando (lots of pictures)

Dak Jerek

so i finally have some pictures of the construction of my custom mandolorian costume, which i hope to debut at super megafest in boston in a few weeks.

here it is, my don post 96, all sanded and ready for some bondo to fill in the dent and copyright stamps.

i first decided to add some extra battle damage in the form of dents and scrapes, so i beat up the bucket with a file. however, i apparently hit the back of it too hard, because a huge crack about 6 inches long formed as two large chunks shattered off. talk about battle damage. more than i wanted, but not unfixable.

i was able to glue and bondo the pieces back into place, and i'm pretty happy with the results. i wanted battle damage, and i got it.

i also filled in the dent. it's not perfect, but it works for me. i want the helmet to look really beat up.

next came the silver base coat. i plan on doing the layered method of weathering, with a silver base, a gray middle layer, and gunmetal/charcoal gray for the top layer.



next up is the armor. i got some cheap but good sintra armor on ebay, the stuff you see all the time. and the i beat the hell out of it, added dents, scrapes, and chips. i had a lot of fun with it, and i'm pretty happy with how it came out.



i also got a set of jango leg armor that i'm working on. all i need now for armor is a cod and knees, which i hope to get in time for the con.

then there's the gauntlets, which were a great find. i got them used from Mandalorian_70 for $58 including shipping. he said they used to belong to a friend, so i know they're at least third-hand by now. it looks like they were once rotj boba gauntlets that were modded to be jango's, and now i'm turning them into some kind of custom hybrid. they need a ton of work, the bottom parts are very thin vacu-fromed plastic, and they're cracking in a few places. however, the tops are all fiberglass, so that was a nice surprise! they even have hoses attached. these things are pretty huge, and i feel like i got a good deal for the price.



i've got a jumpsuit, belt, pouches, boots, and now armor. all i have left is to build my jet pack and assemble and weather the whole thing. wish me luck.
Looking good. I was a little concerned for you when I saw the gapping hole but that's actually turned out well. I look forward to seeing more pictures.
Cyanide's armor eh? I would have taken the dremel to the backplate before cutting it, its off measurement. I cut mine so now the lower back "teeth" are equal length, same with the ones on the neck.
Cyanide's armor eh? I would have taken the dremel to the backplate before cutting it, its off measurement. I cut mine so now the lower back "teeth" are equal length, same with the ones on the neck.

i hadn't noticed that, i'll have to check for it. i do have a lot of clean-up work to do on the left chest piece, however. the proportions on that piece are all sorts of wrong, and the cuts are sloppy.
joe? good to see you, didn't know you were here. yeah, we mandos need to storm billy-dee. with the two of us, jen, and bob or brian, he doesn't stand a chance!

Yep its me. All we need now is to bring Brian's carbonized Han-cicle and Billy Dee will start having flashbacks. :lol:

Nice job on the Bondo. My wife has a similar problem with bucket. Good to know it can fixed. Can't wait to see more progress pics on this.
That bucket's looking great. Glad to see the dent filled in and other damage has been created. It's amazing how many Mando's get hit in the same spot on their helmets .... :lol:

As for the whole New England thing, I'm still trying to figure out the one I married 11 years ago. I'm still translating Midwesternese for her and vice versa. She's a transplant from NH.
Those are my old gauntlets. I sold them to a TDH user time ago :D
that's so cool, it's good to meet you! they're pretty sweet. who made them? can you tell me anything about them?

As for the whole New England thing, I'm still trying to figure out the one I married 11 years ago. I'm still translating Midwesternese for her and vice versa. She's a transplant from NH.

good luck man. you're on your own with new hampshire. ;)
Is nice to meet their new owner too :cheers

All I can tell you is that I bought them to ebay user for about 60$. Then I modified them a bit because they were boba ones. That was my first modification job so I did it as well as i was able to :lol: :lol:

They are painted with silver spray because I didnt know Rub & Buff yet





I had to remove those two things because there was no way to let them attached :lol:







I think you got a very good deal for 58$! :thumbsup:

Enjoy them!
That bucket's looking great. Glad to see the dent filled in and other damage has been created. It's amazing how many Mando's get hit in the same spot on their helmets .... :lol:

Maybe taking a blow to the front side of the head is part of the initiation into the clan. You know kinda like the stories of them "belting" a new knight. :lol:
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