Other Bounty Hunter Custom Bounty Hunter / Jedi: Galyk Lightguard


New Hunter
Hi everyone!

Name is Kris "Galyk Lightguard"

I just started ordering some pieces for my new cosplay. This will be a Bounty Hunter / Jedi Build. I've always loved Bounty Hunters with pistols. But also loved the aspect of the force and lightsabers.
My character is one of those that adapts to whatever is thrown at him. He doesn't take sides (Rebel/Empire) He mainly survives. His weapons of choice: Lightsabers / blasters / Rifle blasters

Here is my concept for my outfit.

I will be incorporating a Starkiller look / Mercenary / Mandalorian armor, Jedi robe/cloak
- I will be including Jango Fett's Blasters into my outfit.
-shoulder armor (with mandalorian / Merc Logo)
-Belts (starkiller look) with holsters
-Fabric wraps for hands and lower legs
-Mandalorian Armor on chest, maybe the legs
-Face mask (chrome or silver color)
-Cowl / Robe / hood / cape

Here are some references I'm using to create the cosplay.
I wanted something unique and comfortable when it comes to a Jedi Hood. so ordered this. Grey cowl neck Hoodie. Hopefully it works.
Also Ordered Mortal Kombat Noob Saibot Full Face Cold Cast Al Airsoft Airsoft Mask.
ordered a Gladiator Steel Armor Pauldron to be added to my Cosplay. Might add a Merc / Jedi Emblem to it.
I need some help with Finding a good way to either create StarKiller's belts or an online store that sells cool looking belts including a leg holster. Holsters have to hold Jango Fett's blasters.

I tempted to just buy the replicas of Jango Fett. They are pretty expensive. The other part of me says to just buy those crappy orange and white toys and paint it. But then I know they won't feel the weight they should. Hmmm.
I just purchased my first lightsaber. from saber forge on etsy. The "Venomous Fury" It looks pretty awesome!
Both of those saber designs are sweet!

- - - Updated - - -

An idea for the toy guns if you want them to have some kind of weight; if they're hollow you can cut the tips off and throw a dowel rod or length of rebar down the barrel.
Thanks for the idea. What about the handle? Any ideas for that? I ordered several different versions of the Jango Fett blasters. They should be coming in the mail next week sometime.
Thanks! I can't wait to get some of this stuff in the mail. Saber Forge has gotten back to me and said it will be about a 3-4 week turn around on the sabers.
Including the DESCENT Hero Edition 12w Custom LED Saber
I went ahead and ordered the Jango Fett toys
I hope to be able to paint them well enough and prepare them so their weight feels realistic.
My next goal is to find some good rugged Gray, black, and or red cloth for Cowl/Cape and Fabric arm wrappings.
Any ideas for that? (Online stores, or specific fabric that will look good?)
Burlap or a canvas material looks really nice for a worn rugged look. I think you'd just need to follow a dyeing tutorial to get the color you want.
Went ahead and purchased some glove wraps.

I think I'm going to make the cowl cape from bed sheets. I want it to look something like this.
Found some boots I might wear them as is or Wrap them in gray cloth like Star Killer does. Not sure if i want them in brown or black.
adult-anakin-boots.jpg tumblr_nlyg6sI0mL1urxq1do1_500.jpg

I would also like to take this time to remember a legend: This lord sith was up there with the best. Sir Christopher Lee dies at 93





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