Curiousity arising about a Jango holster rig

Zurath Kodul

Active Hunter
I'm wanting to give my custom armor a Jango-style rig, but I have no idea where to buy/how to make one. I want to do it as cheap as possible. I'm going to try to get a couple of westars to go with it, but also need to aquire these cheaply. I was hoping to find the complete Rubies(c) set a partyland for $15 clearance, but......

I thought about posting this in the forum, but since it's for a custom, I decided against it.

Any help you guys (and gals) can give me is greatly wanted.

Will do, thanks for the link.

I pulled my stuff out of the tub today and most of the parts look good. The only problem areas are the back of the belt, the collar, and one bell is flaking off.
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